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my plan on how to become rich :D


Media Narrative Architect
J Rep
J Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
rn im poor but that will change :D via the power of refunding services, i think this will work great for me and maybe others so take inspiration
im think im gonna use refund.army but i have no affiliation nor am i endorsing them
starting with christmas
im getting money from mum and dad which i will order things from amazon totaling £440
30% fee for refund = £308 back to me
moving on
now that i have £320 + extra money cause im gonna sell certain things that im replacing on my setup
lets say i have like £400
gonna do northface cause its good shit and 20%
gonna get some sexy nuptse 700 puffers cause they should sell well and sexy
£290 each so ill get 1 to start with
refund that
ill have £232 after fees
sell that coat for like £250 roughly
total balance ~£482
i will then repeat that again at my dads address
so like another £232 + £250
total balance ~£964
after that
so now i should have quite a bit of money so i can do bigger orders bigger profit bigger monies
i think ill either do adidas or urban outfitters
if i do UO ill do stuff like juicy couture as they have good resale and i could do quite a lot of them and have money left over
if i do adidas ill do clothing like trackies or shoes but tbh the options kinda shit
bare in mind reselling all of that after
prob not much a massive amount after doing those but im expecting to have maybe £1200-1300?
as ill have spare money i imagine
maybe pandora cause its jewellery and i imagine i could sell it easy ig but idk how good that would be and i have no clue about resale of that
i think john anthony would be a much better option as its good designer shit like CP company and comme des garcons and there are some expensive af coats that could sell for a decent amount on top of a refund
this would be expensive but would pay off big time maybe putting me up to close to or around £2k and i could do this twice as i have 2 addresses i can order to so maybe like £2.5k if im lucky
coming to the end
zalando ezpz lemon squeezy
unless some other good shoes come up ill prob do a bunch of air forces because they sell easy if i price right so if i boughht a bunch of them and resold them it would be decent
lets say at lowest i have £2k
i buy 10 af1's
putting me down to ~£1.1k or so
refund that gets me like £720 back so back up to ~£1.8k
resell all of those af1's at like £60 each
gets me like £600 putting me to around £2.4k total at lowest
if i did that twice with the air forces, around £3k at the lowest in my bank
overview and going forward
as i imagine this would take me about half a year to do overall i could maybe repeat the stores again or wait a bit as 3k should last quite a bit if im not dumb with my money eg gambling
if i try to reinvest my money wisely i could prob have even more :D and then ofc redo this cycle again probably year after idfk ill prob have a job or something by next christmas
let me know what you think of this plan <3 im looking at being really positive with this and not making any dum decisions
at the end hopefully ~£3k lowest ~£3.5k+ at highest in my bank <3 thats what im expecting



