Version Control Master
900 XP
That "Hi!" was typed only for trying the 24-sized font.
Today I will show you how to get "paid to promoting" a website, and this website is also for "pay to promoting" ergo you can see the ricorsion of this string.
There's a website called http://www.adsptp.com/?id=19669 that allow you to share your referal link (oh wow, that's very innovative; never heard before!) but for each visit to the link it give you 3 points.
Those points will be converted in $$$ dollars and with at least 10 $$$ you can get $$$ paid.
I'm abusing of this char: "$"
So let's make some points!
Surely you know those surf websites, if not those website will give you for fr33 some traffic, leaving pc on surfing websites you will earn viewz.
The website that I prefer are:
http://www.feelingsurf.fr?r=30458 non referal link: www.feelingsurf.fr
http://www.otohits.net/?ref=61013 non referal link: www.otohits.net
https://www.10khits.com/?ref=166464 non referal link: www.10khits.com
Hitleap - this is very uncomfortable because it don't works via browser (I've archlinux and I am paranoid of installing external packets.)
http://www.hit4hit.org/?ref=judads non referal link: www.hit4hit.com
Once you join on this sites you should your referal link of http://www.adsptp.com/?id=19669 and start make some cash.
Non referal link for adsptp for really wicked people: http://www.adsptp.com/
See you later
That "Hi!" was typed only for trying the 24-sized font.
Today I will show you how to get "paid to promoting" a website, and this website is also for "pay to promoting" ergo you can see the ricorsion of this string.
There's a website called http://www.adsptp.com/?id=19669 that allow you to share your referal link (oh wow, that's very innovative; never heard before!) but for each visit to the link it give you 3 points.
Those points will be converted in $$$ dollars and with at least 10 $$$ you can get $$$ paid.
I'm abusing of this char: "$"
So let's make some points!
Surely you know those surf websites, if not those website will give you for fr33 some traffic, leaving pc on surfing websites you will earn viewz.
The website that I prefer are:
http://www.feelingsurf.fr?r=30458 non referal link: www.feelingsurf.fr
http://www.otohits.net/?ref=61013 non referal link: www.otohits.net
https://www.10khits.com/?ref=166464 non referal link: www.10khits.com
Hitleap - this is very uncomfortable because it don't works via browser (I've archlinux and I am paranoid of installing external packets.)
http://www.hit4hit.org/?ref=judads non referal link: www.hit4hit.com
Once you join on this sites you should your referal link of http://www.adsptp.com/?id=19669 and start make some cash.
Non referal link for adsptp for really wicked people: http://www.adsptp.com/
See you later