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[MUST READ] moneydev's GENUINE advice for $$$ and life (99% OF METHODS HERE DON'T MAKE YOU MUCH!)


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After being banned for two years, I have finally returned to this forum.
During my two years absence, I have made an alright income for a teenager. Not exactly six-figures but I would definitely have if I was not LAZY!
Please do not leave a "ty", or copy and repost this to farm likes and rep otherwise you may be reported.
Yes there is plenty of vulgar language, but it is the truly tried and tested way I can get my points through to people.
You will NOT regret reading this, kid. I was 15 too with no money wanting to know how to make money from my desk without working some mediocre job making the equivalent of $10-15 USD an hour.
No, I'm not rich by any standards - I put myself in that situation by being lazy, and I still am tbh.
Luckily, the laziest people find the easiest ways to do things.
Simply put, 99% of methods shared in this forum do NOT work.
Well, if they do, they only make you loose change and are only good to keep as passive income to invest into other projects. You will certainly NOT be able to live off of it.
The reason my figure is at 99% is because 99% is in the to-avoid list, low quality posts.
Go look in the marketplace section, if you see a thread with plenty of likes, vouches and you can do what the seller is doing - what they are doing is working!
I could charge for this, but I am generous and like to share my advice free of charge. Of course any signups shared will have a ref-link and a non-ref-link shared at the end.
Any income derived from referral earnings from your sign up will be the "payment" from you. That is fair.
The 99% - What to stay away from?
• Pyramid schemes - sign up for $XXX and refer X others to claim. Are you fucking retarded?
• Gambling scripts - first of all, why the fuck would you gamble your hard earned money to an online casino? The house always wins. "Gamble" your money on other things like online businesses - sell software, dropship etc.
• "Exploits" like G2A exploit - userscripts that you install with Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey etc. which usually phish you out of cryptocurrency by modifying page elements to swap out crypto addresses.
You could just as easily spend a few dollars and hit giftcards from G2A with GayPal logs - not that I would recommend doing so at all, but it works.
• Telegram bots - as above, they are pyramid schemes and make money off of advertisements.
• "Trading" bots where you invest $$$ to make a "guaranteed" return in a month, and then can only "withdraw" once you have referred X people who then invest money. Pure pyramid scheme. Exactly like a Telegram bot.
• Some gay "Autopilot" PDF method reshared to simply like/rep farm.
The 1% - What works?
• Most importantly getting good sleep, good nutrition, good habits and a good mindset! And then getting out of the chair, going to the gym to work on your fucking muscles as you should have done years ago like me. I put myself in the situation where I'm an adult being skinny as fuck and unhappy with myself as a result. Being skinny or obese is unattractive and for very good reason. Also being a whale and posting a bikini pic on Instagram or TikTok isn't body positivity.
• A fucking job if you have no other income. Even I am looking for casual work to keep me humble and knowing what I don't want to end up doing until I'm retired and body is completely FUBAR. I am studying at university as a backup plan as well - anyways it does not hurt to get a job and save some money which you can invest into businesses, stocks or cryptocurrency. No don't buy a gay NFT, the wave was over long ago.
• Honestly, I am surprised to see my YouTube adware method ( is still working in 2022. You won't become rich from it, but I have seen people making $50 or more a day from it. You will probably earn more like $5-10 a day pushing out a well made video every couple of days.
• Selling activatable digital items such as software. I own https://chea.to which is now a pretty well-known hardware ID (HWID) spoofer brand. I've had days where I've made hundreds, and by the end of 2022 I expect to make over $1k a week consistently - maybe even a day.
Brotip: You can even resell others' products and make loads of money. This is good if you don't know much about development but you are good with customers and know how to sell and get people excited.
• eWhoring, and anything else in the adult niche like cam offers are probably better than ever because it's mainstream now with simps and cucks buying ugly girls' OnlyFans subscriptions. It's actually fucking sad to see modern Western males end up that way. Yes I'm a conservative and for good reason! My voting ballot in the latest Australian federal election in May 2022 was topped by far-right political parties. Honestly if I had my way I would put an end to pornography - but you can make HUGE profit out of it, might as well take advantage of it and pinch money from betas. If you're paying for a Pornhub or OnlyFans subscription, please cancel it before you navigate away from this post. I mean fucking now retard! Install a content filter and block the devilish PORN out! If you are really that much of an incel and need to beat your meat 3x a day please at the very least use an adblocker and not give the :jew:'s ad money.
Yes, my best friend and I did eWhoring for all of like 2 days and made a bit of money, could have kept doing it and getting money out of filthy pedophiles. Then doxxing them, and beating the shit out of them - putting it on Bestgore afterwards. Unfortunately I would prefer not to serve a stint in prison.
• eCommerce - such as dropshipping, still works fine in 2022. Just beware you might be spending a few grand in initial investment. I highly recommend getting mentorship.
Personally I am experienced with WordPress/WooCommerce for my HWID spoofer/cheat store. Will most likely learn Shopify (a lot easier than WooCommerce but less control over) to run some dropshipping stores in the future, to diversify my income.
• Trading cryptocurrency. Follow some vouched signals. Even those Russian Telegram free signal channels can do alright, obviously they won't be as good as a paid signals group but you can still make some money over just simply investing and HODLing crypto (which can make you plenty of money, though trading smartly is arguably a lot better).
• Selling courses and eBooks. As long as they are unique and HQ you can make some money from forums like Nulled! Obviously don't run shit like Andrew Tate's Hustler's University which is fucking gay anyways and I'll never give that shit pyramid scheme a cent of my money. He can get away with it being famous and having a massive social media presence. Cunt is apparently a sex trafficker wanted in Romania or something. He's funny but still a lowlife.
Stayed up past midnight just to write this after learning I got unbanned and signed back in after half an hour of trying usernames and passwords and then finding my login saved on my phone lol - remembered you can only sign in with your original username.
Will more than likely add more advice given some positive feedback.
mods that's my avatar at time of edit also a meme bro



