SEO Dashboard Expert
300 XP
2. Launch Fortnite.
3. Turn on discord overlay and make sure it shows up in-game (if it doesn't try running discord as admin).
4. Run inject.exe in lobby.
1. Run Apple Cleaner on Reset Adapters put N
2. Run Target Cleaner Use Options 1 2 and 3
Game must be on Windowed Fullscreen.
You must NOT launch Epic Games from steam.
If you see "not enough trailing memory" error, disable all thrid party game overlays (like nvidia geforce experience or xbox game bar).
Make sure antivirus and vanguard (if you have valorant) is disabled!
Don't move stuff out of util folder
custom modmap and custom kdmapper by NotSimcraftLOL#0001
Update Log:
New UI
Added [FN Cheet]
Updated Exotic 2.6
Updated Sparta FN
Added Resolution [I Think onlu works for 1909 not sure]
Added BloodHunt Cheet
Added Coldwar Cheet [Use at own risk not sure if works]
Added FiveM Cheet [Use at own risk not sure if works]
Added Prware Woofer [Dont think it works]
Added SinEx [Dont think it works]
Added Target.wins Cleaner [Deeps Cleans use options 1 2 n 3]
Added TempMail VirusTotal ?