Game Economy Guru
100 XP
Find a holy women and marry her and live>new life. Man is Destructive force, Women is saving or Creating force....Man+Women that's it that's the real balance of Life. Without a perfect woman(that can be Ma/Wife), Man life nothing. even theses low life inverted mother>mot her without it everything low life inverted deception. & burn the whores (who making man as women and trying to twisted their gender,) sure there will be unholy demon behind. understand gender and identity matters,some low life shits trying to.destroy everything behind the scene cuz they dont have it,jealousy comes from only low life or who don't have or who is lower then you.(all lower life manipulating this system).
even $ is snake sign
What is real transgender agenda : why every dumb celebrity show 666 hand sign? What related to 666.fall of 666 region of demons of hell? why does demon support inverted transgender agendas, cuz when women's hormones in male body make them a willless vessel to accept anything. or theses big tongue ugly shits, putting snakes demons semon/reptile parasites throughout the root centre?. Into your vessel. putting virus to the vessel. virus corrupting others, trying to fake take over. Even there is the lab where they put dead snakes, hybrids and reptile shits into the human vessel. fallen and cursed shits doing theses. demon,naga,human whore and corrupted shits are real. Why u think all gov,military, police, media and celebrity are corrupted? cuz whether leading them is greatest bastards of all time.that shit is corrupted so that shit attract to corrupted shits,like magnet.most unholy shits running this show.hollow ugly lab made fallen shits in new vessel. all theses celebrity/politican whores are demonic vessels. Don't think they want to uplift yous,they want as they fall they want drag u down with them.cuz they are unholy and ugly genetic abomination. All freemason, illuminati and all fucking so called secret societies run by demons, snake hybrid,don't think there is any knowledge, all is lie and deceptions there.occult or secret society run by demons. Summary : all demons / hybrid /snake or reptilians aren’t bad,as all humans aren’t good. So I don't care if you are human or demon or anything else, until you have a good balance soul without false pride and fake jealous attitude. Conclusion : this so called society run by some inverted whore dog total twisted unholy lab made shits,most low life u can ever imagine>behind them ugly fallen lizzards who's life is cursed. All conflict in this world made by fallen jinn shit,who called by demon in christianity. Theses inverted shits whispers in human mind with telepathy or possess the vessel then make conflict, every war and insanity made by them,so why human can't see them cuz of black magic in mass level then poisonous chemicals in food-water-cosmetic almost everything thing...human need they live movie sun glass type.they hide in astral relam so it's a illusional veil.theses shits also call as naga/serpentine... remember Women seed vs serpent seeds,that's what really going on.dragon/serpent/dinosaur same shits.human and animal hybrid. All theses so called celebrity are packed with theses bastards jinn then they got fame.or they are from bloodline of theses shits.In reality everything is illusion false shits. you can't expect anything from theses shits. they told to worship lucifer, that being is jinn too. In religion they worship a jinn or dragon..look how they twisted hindu religions, theses naga shits. That's why they show two horn sign. Cuz theses shits has horn in forhead and ass. watch movie : they live, I Frankenstein,end of days.300 years of longing. Wish master series and black adam and insidious whole series.
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even $ is snake sign