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I have an online resource sharing forum and a link shortening forum website that I like to sell.
I have no time nowadays to look after these sites and I don't have any partners besides me so I decided to sell those websites.
Resource Sharing Forum:angrysource.com
Link Shortening Website:yourlcash.com
Fb: https://facebook.com/rifat.7665
****Before buying or contacting please review those site on your own and then let me know.
I have an online resource sharing forum and a link shortening forum website that I like to sell.
I have no time nowadays to look after these sites and I don't have any partners besides me so I decided to sell those websites.
Resource Sharing Forum:angrysource.com
- Xenforo 2.X Software Used.
- Admin/Forum Editor/Member etc panel.
- Fully Responsive.
- Designed for the resource sharing community.
- Internal Coin system integrated. (User will get coins for posting on the forum, referring, post reply signup, etc)
- Fully customizable.
- Everything is on admin's control.
- Secure, Fast.
- Easy and User-friendly.
- etc (Visit to see more)
- Advertising on Forum (Admin can decide where ads will be shown)
- Advertising on posts (Admin can decide where ads will be shown)
- Advertising on profile (Admin can decide where ads will be shown)
- Advertising on messages (Admin can decide where ads will be shown)
- Adsense Also can be used (Not implemented)
- Affiliate Advertising
- Membership packages (like free, VIP, Pro, etc)
Link Shortening Website:yourlcash.com
- PHP Cake Used.
- Admin/Member separate panel.
- Fully Responsive.
- Unique/Alias Short link generator.
- Script for the whole site redirect for every member (members will put scripts on their websites header and yourlcash will generate a unique short link for all the link on the website no need to edit them manually one by one)
- User can set Ad view duration.
- user can set custom rate for a different region.
- Members and admin statistics about the short link (how many time visited, when visited, from where/ country, device, IP etc)
- Fully customizable.
- Everything is on admin's control.
- Secure, Fast.
- Multi-Language Supported.
- bot, fake click, suspicious activity detector.
- Easy and User-friendly.
- etc (Visit to see more)
- Advertising on Home (Admin can decide Ads will be shown where or not)
- Advertising on Member panel (Admin can decide Ads will be shown where or not)
- Advertising on Short Link (3*2 ads per visit, 3 on short link captcha page, 3 on redirect page)
- Adsense, Media net and other ad networks can be used. (I suggest to stick on adsense or media net)
- Website visit- admin can set the rate (Like adfly)
- Pop Ads enabled, you can use propeller ads or something like that.
Fb: https://facebook.com/rifat.7665
****Before buying or contacting please review those site on your own and then let me know.
- I'll give you the full credentials for those to sites (admin credentials)
- Cpanel credential (Namecheap hosting used)
- Domain Authority (Godaddy Used)
- one extra domain that you can use an alias for yourlcash.com the domain is YOURL.CASH