Backend Admin
300 XP
- Basics & Fundamentals: Data types, let & const variables, functions, conditionals, loops, object literals, etc
- Data Structures - Arrays, objects, maps, sets as well as custom data structures like stacks and queues
- DOM Manipulation - Selectors, traversing the DOM, show/hide, creating & removing elements, event listeners
- OOP - Constructor functions, prototypes, inheritance, classes, protected properties, getters/setters
- Async JS - Ajax & XHR, Fetch API, callbacks, promises, async / await
- Error Handling - Try...Catch, HTTP errors
- Web & Browser APIs - Canvas, geolocation, audio/video, web animations API
- Modules & Tooling - CommonJS & ES Modules, Webpack, plugins, loaders, modern dev environment & workflow
- Unit Testing Algorithms - Learn the Jest testing library and algorithms like palindromes and anagrams
- Node.js & Express - Learn about Node modules, NPM packages and build a REST API with Express & MongoDB
- Full Stack Development - We build an API with Express and a frontend with Webpack. No frontend frameworks!
- So So Much More!
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