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Mid Lux ​​- The Luxury Lady


Endgame Raider
A Rep
A Vouches
LEVEL 1 400 XP
Pros and cons: Pros: - It can be both mid as support (not recommended if you are not familiriazado with it yet). - Base damage of relatively high skills. - Two second DC and CC in a small area. - Explosive ADC (and APCs with low resistance) during the TFs. - You can use two shields around the team during fights if positioned correctly. - Ult 30 sec charging (with maximum charging reduction) and distance 3000 is a laser! - You can get assistance from afar with the ult. - Clean minions waves quickly. - There is no champion that countera it fully. - Easy to learn. - 2 skills grant vision. - Laughter of debauchery! Cons: - If feedar early in the game can be difficult to recover. - Dependent hit the Q to use all its damage potential (competent enemies divert their skills). - Low movement speed and low amount of life and resistance. - It's not as strong at the end of the game, unless it is with many slaughters. - Dependent on good positioning / Quick reflexes / Mira good and motion prediction. - No escape mechanisms. - High Cooldowns without recharging reduction (Useless when all skills are on cooldown). - Mana goes quickly. - Hair property Like all champions, Lux has pros and cons, but we will work on the cons to having a good performance with her in the game. I say that no champion really countera Lux 100% because it can turn against basically any event champion abuse of its far-reaching. You may have to play more passively embracing the tower or has difficulties against some, but assuming that both callers have the same gaming experience, Lux will never lose its lane. Abilities: "Passive": Lighting The Lux damage skills carry the target with energy for 6 seconds. The next basic attack Lux burns energy, causing damage further Magic (10 + 10 x level) to the target. It is the passive play better, but by far is the worst. All Lux skills generate a brand of lighting, you can use your basic attack after causing damage to an enemy with one of his abilities to activate the passive causing extra damage (affected by magic penetration). Useful to press the opponent at the beginning and middle of the game, and can be the difference between life and death in a duel (to cause that last extra damage after using all it has, for example). However, never try to activate your passive with basic attacks in major fights because you need to keep as much distance as possible. If you are at a distance of a basic attack of the enemy in such a situation, it means that you are misplaced. If you are finding it complicated, do not worry. Experience will tell you when is the right time to activate its passive. "Q": the Light Connection Lux releases a sphere of light that attaches and cause damage to up to two enemy units, holding the first enemy hit by two seconds (s) and causing 60/110/160/210/260 (+ 70% Ability Power) of magic damage. The second enemy gets 50% of the effect. Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 the 2nd Reach: 1175 - It is a skillshot, ie an ability to target, moving a little slow, so by the time you use it to try to predict which direction your enemy will walk, and always aim behind him. It is the most important skill of Lux, then train a little with her in bots before going in PvP, just so you get the hang of how it works. - The two enemies are unable to move, the first by 2/2 and the second by one second only, keep this in mind. It is the best way to get your combos. A basic combo to take a lot of life at the beginning of your opponent's Q + E + E + basic attack (activating) + basic attack. - The ability through the first target, meaning you can cast it in a minion but hit the enemy champion if it is behind the minion (but he will not be imprisoned for 1 second). - Do not use this too much on the route because you only have to defend it in case of a gank. While this ability is in charge (very long, by the way), you will be more vulnerable, and his opponents know it. "W": Barrier Prismatic Lux shakes his wand and bends the light around the target ally that it touches, protecting it from any damage. Launches the scepter of Lux at a target site and back, protecting herself and all allied champions who are touched in 80/105/130/155/180 (+ 35% Ability Power) damage for 3 seconds . Cost: 60 Mana Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 the 2nd Reach: 1075 - This skill is like a bulmerangue, giving shield in going and coming, renewing the outward shell case has not been broken. - Skillshot again, but you get the shield to and turn in either direction to release. Great to decrease the enemy's damage in duels, can save you that Firefox would kill him. Never forget to use this ability against skills as the ult of Karthus or Zed, or skills of damage over time. - You can move while casting the skill. - Use as much as possible allies in struggle. "E": Singularity Lucente Throws a light anomaly twisted in an area, which slows nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage enemies in the affected area. It creates an area that slows enemies in 20/24/28/32/36%. After 5 second (s) to implode area, causing 60/105/150/195/240 (+ 60% Ability Power) magic damage. Turn again to anticipate the detonation. Cost: 70/85/100/115/130 Mana Recharge time: 10 seconds Reach: 1100 - Its main ability to poke. Activate it as soon as it arrives at its destination. Early in the game, conjure it leaving the center slightly behind the enemy, since normally they walk back to deflect anything. The range is 1100 but the area has a radius of about 200 units. - Come in charge at the exact moment that the cast. - It costs a lot of mana early in the game, so do not use it too much. - The slowness can help in his escape, then, if you are without Q and being concerned already plunged into you, conjure this skill in yourself and leave it without turning, so that the enemy is forced to walk through the area the skill and suffer this brief slowdowns. - Use it to quickly clean waves of minions when needed. - Gives insight in the way and the place where you are, then use it to check suspects bushes, the dragon, baron, blue, etc; or maybe even steal one of these if you turn it on time. "R": Spark Final After accumulating energy, Lux fires a beam of light that deals damage to all targets in the area. In addition, it activates a passive skill and resets the length of the negative effect lighting. Channels a beam of dazzling light, causing 300/400/500 (+ 75% Ability Power) magic damage to all enemy units in a straight line. Final spark ignites and clears the negative effect lighting. Cost: 100 Mana Cooldown: 80/65/50 Reach: 3000 - This active skill Enlightenment, causing harm of passive and adds even more other lighting brand that can be turned on again by the basic attack. So during fights activate and first in the group of enemies and use the R then to cause tons of damage. - The area of ​​effect is a very thin line, keep this in mind. - Has cast time of about half a second, take this into account when using it to great distances. - Use it to kill enemies fleeing in low health. - Grants vision. - Use it as a poke before major fights. - Use the tool and how to make your enemy go to the wall if necessary (if the face is one of those wise guys who deviate to the side), making it easy to target your ult. - Use it to pick up assists on other routes or assist allies in battle, if you are away. But try NOT STEAL kills with his ult especially if you are helping one 1x1, everyone hates it. - If you die while casting the skill, you will not have time to recharge. Skill points: R> E> Q> W Start with the Q to give it a bit more security against possible ganks lvl 1 to get first blood, but if you are going against a champion without much CC or damage at level 1 (as Karthus, for example), you can start with E to start the pokes, but take the Q already at level 2. Place a point in R wherever possible, take the W at level 4. If you experience difficulty in the lane, consider putting one or two points in W. OE will before the Q and W for the slow pace increases over time (20% slow is a joke, but 36% already gives pro expenditure), and Q is advisable then to reduce the charge, as is the ability more important. Talent: 21/0/9, focusing on the AP in the attack and increasing the duration of buffs and potions in the utility. Prefer the 3 point talent that gives mana regeneration and which reduces the recharge time of summoner spells. So the Lux will have the much needed damage and some benefits utilities tree. Runes: I think this is something very personal, but I prefer; Magic Penetration brands, Armor Stamps, Glyphs Magic Resist and quintessences Ability Power. With these rune Lux further damage will start the game while higher strengths, giving a buff it in general. Mana Regeneration seals, Glyph Scalable Ability Power, Scalable Life seals and Movement Speed ​​quintessences are also viable if you prefer. It's all about preference. Summoner Spells: Recommended: Flash + Firefox + Flash or barrier Although the cooldown has increased, Flash remains an essential choice for champions such as Lux, for its versatility. As she has no reliable loopholes (if you miss the Q probably dies during leakage), Flash will save countless times, causing her to cross parades or just to take away the enemy. While allowing some offensive plays, such as minimize the distance to give one last blow to the enemy who escaped with 20 life if their skills are in charge; or help to reposition during team fights. Nothing subsitui utilities Flash, end of story. Firefox is recommended against enemies easier to kill at the beginning or during the game against those who have some sustain (Vladimir, Nidalee, for example), and prevent enemies come out of living in low health. Barrier is a more defensive option, especially useful against opponents with very burst that can easily approach as LeBlanc or Fizz, and that you hardly put a distance of one Firefox. Other viable options: Clarity, Teleport, Exhaustion, Ghost, Purify I do not like Clarity and I'm sure many will not, but can be useful if you have trouble controlling your mana at the beginning. Viable, but as it loses its usefulness at the end of the game, it is not really recommended. Teleport has several utilities how to defend a tower, pull a lane or create or help a gank. Definitely useful if you are using it frequently. Exhaustion can be good both for Lux support as Mid, as it helps you to hit the queen on the enemy and subconsequentemente, using your combo, and can also assist in the escape. Ghost if you are not at level 12 yet to get Flash. If you dont like flash or not know how to use it right, I suggest you train with it as it is a very important spell. Nothing replaces the ability to walk through walls, ok. Purify can be useful against specific opponents, as Veigar or Fiddle, in short, anyone with long-lasting DC. Purify also removes Firefox and exhaustion. Items: It is interesting that their initial items are according to the kind of champion you face in mid lane, however it is essential KNOW the champion that you are experiencing, or at least have a sense of what it can do. Options: * 1 Ring Doran, 2 Health Potion - against easy lanes (Karthus, Veigar ...) or if you need to open edge against this character at the beginning of the game (Kassadin, AHRI, Akali, Syndra, Katarina, Fizz, Veigar ...). * 1 Charm Fairy, 5 Life Potion, 1 Mana Potion, 1 Sentinel - against lanes with much sustain (Vladimir, Swain, Mordekaiser ...) or if you want to already say her cup of harmony. You can also work against killers with pokes that are not skillshot, as LeBlanc, Annie, Ryze, Teemo, Malzahar etc. * 1 Boots of Speed, Potions 4 Life (or 2 Potions and Living Sentinel 1) - against lanes against characters such as Lux: Very poke that can be diverted. Eg Ziggs, Anivia, Nidalee, Gragas, Lux, Zyra, Brand, Malzahar, AHRI ... * 1 Cloth Armor, 5 Potions of Life (or 4 Life Potions and Mana 1, or 3 life and 2 mana, anyway) - against mid champions that cause physical harm. Eg Zed, Yasuo, Pantheon, Riven ... Priorities at Home: - Chalice of Harmony - A great item to help you regain mana, and later can be evolved into the first major item of Lux. If possible, farme enough to get him already in his first return to base. - Wizard Boots - has recently been nerfed, but still a great item for both mobility and to increase a little more your damage. It can be replaced by the Ionian Boots of Lucidity, if you want to just recharge reduction but have a jungler who needs Buff Blue earlier Ex: Cho'Gath, Gragas, Sion. Items that work well with Lux: Unholy Grail of Athene: The first major item of Lux. He completely solve their problems with mana, gives Ability Power, 20% Cooldown Reduction and gives Magic Resistance. With Buff Blue, you come to the maximum clearance reduction only this item (40%). It's a great item to bring you back in the game if you are behind, or even more stompar your lane if you are ahead. Essential for every game. Rabaddon Hood of Death: With this item your AP will increase dramatically, essential for any magician. Take it after the Grail Unholy Athene, or shortly after your Chalice of Harmony, if you prefer. Staff of the Void: After having picked up the two above, with this item you will obliterate every piece of existence of their opponents. Like the shirts he brings no defensive statistics, so take it as third major item (or second, then the Grail) if you are doing well or very well. Otherwise, I recommend you wait a little longer to catch him. Hourglass Zonia: An item that is a lot of AP, armor and an asset that makes you inalvejável for two seconds. A good fourth item. If you are being very focused on the team struggles or is against a mid physical damage, it can be a good second or third item. NOT FORGET TO USE THIS ITEM ACTIVE! Lich Bane: A very good item to destroy towers, clean minions waves and to increase the damage of your basic attack. Viable as one of the last items. However, be careful when using it, since in certain situations, be a distance of one auto-attack an opponent is a bad idea. Torment Liandry: Another option for last items. Passive causing% health per second is great to increase the damage of your poke, definitely a good choice as a last or fourth item. The potential of it at the beginning is not so great, so give priority to other items. Staff of Archangel: It can work well if you take Tear of the Goddess at the beginning of the game. It will give you a huge amount of AP, and when completed, will have an asset that gives you a shield. It is an item that I like very a champion like Lux, but it works well for those who like it. Thief of Souls Mejai: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this item CAN BE a good option in Lux. For the simple fact that their skills have enormous distance, you can easily get assistance if you have someone on your team feedado, and thus gain the accumulation of this item to the maximum. I recommend it only if you are losing your lane mentioned in these conditions. If your entire team is losing, this item will not help. It is worth bearing in mind also that this item is pretty much a Global Taunt, then you will surely be much more focused after you buy it, especially if you are getting accumulations. As a last item also consider a Guardian Angel or Banshee's Veil, these items saw games. Combos and Tips: Its main combo: Keri. SMARTCAST: LEARN to use. The difference in time it takes you to excutar your combo with and without smartcast is gigantic. See well: No smartcast: Q + E + + click Click + R + E + Click With smartcast: Keri - As you can see, with the smartcast you just need to keep the mouse over your enemy while pressing the buttons. No smartcast is difficult to execute this combo, since usually 2/2 of Q just before you finish it. - You need not wait finish using a skill to activate your And then after casting his And you can play a Q, R, or a basic attack, and any time you squeeze And it will be activated, even while casting. It will make its potential for much faster damage, mainly in small fights. - However, I recommend you only use your combo when you are sure that your opponent will be picked up by Q (preferably, only continues after setting the Q), because if it deviates or use Flash, you will have spent all for nothing. - Your skills have long way and can pass through walls, then use the and to give sight behind a wall (as the Baron, for example), and know that you can also combo through the wall. After using the E to light, use the Q. If you hit, proceed with the activation of R and E. Similarly, his shield too, so if you have a wall between you and an ally who needs his shield, jogue- the well. - Doing this kind of thing with the loose camera is much easier when you're used to using it. But there's nothing wrong with using the attached camera if you prefer. - Use a slow / zoning potential and to help set the Q for a gank or against opponents who are fleeing. Hit your Q most often it will be more important than harm with his E. - Your Q holds enemies in bushes, but does not reveal them. - Clean minions waves at bay with his ult. - If you are being ganking and want to give you a dive, play your Q when the opponent is under the tower so it takes some hits for free. Use your ult also to ensure the kill, if possible. - KNOW the enemy champions and what they can do. CCs which they have? They are doing magic resistance, life, damage? Be aware of these things just does not make you a better player with Lux, but with any champion. Phase routes: Start of the game, his focus will be to farm to make money to get your stuff and get the level 6, at which time you will have the potential to kill. Stay only giving the last hit. Keep your mana to pokes or to escape in case of ganks. If you have problems in giving the last hit minions, train your farm in a custom match without opponents. With persistence and practice will eventually become a process almost automatic. And if you are forced to farm under the Tower, there are some tricks to keep his minion to tower: Minion melee - leave the tower to two hits in it, and then take your basic attack. Minion mage - Take a basic attack, leave the tower 1 to hit him, and then take another basic attack. Against the greatest minions this will be a bit more difficult, if deemed necessary use one of your skills not to lose the 50g they give. Give a hand to jungler case he needs, and keep your free sentinel always in charge. Leave it in one of the bushes beside the mid wherever possible, and if it is suspected of having someone in the bush, use your E to check (but not activate immediately). Try taking pokes at his opponent with his E and dodge the pokes them, know when to turn on or off your passive - if it costs you a skill in the face, leave it without activating. Consider pokear with your basic attack also if the opponent is melee. Save your Q for ganks your jungler or to escape ganks jungler the enemy, using the flash only when necessary. Play safely, taking kills when possible. If you see your opponent out of the route (going to the bot, for example), you have two options: - Tell your team that your enemy is going bot, and go after it. - Warn your team and advance the lane to the tower of your opponent, so he will be forced to go back (but beware of ganks jungler enemy, when you do this). So whatever your choice, let your team. Let it will pair the disappearance of his opponent when he is out of the lane or to have returned to base. Especially if it is a killer. You can also exit the route to gank other lanes, but do not live them. As all its skillshots possesses good skills are, you do not always get kills and obviously gold. Also, if your opponent has a lot of mobility (Leblanc, Kassadin ...) or can move very easy lane (Anivia, Ziggs ...), do it constantly can be a bad idea. Further ahead, it will be time to ensure some goals. Get out of your lane from time to time and work with your team to ensure objectives such as towers or the dragon and assist in small fights. Try not to walk alone for the jungle if you are unsure that it is safe, and occasionally buy some sentinel to help support. Vision in LoL never hurts. And again, WORK WITH YOUR TIME. This is extremely important for a champion like Lux. Teamfights: The Lux is a relatively versatile champion. Has always been a mid or viable support, even before the S4 which gave a push to mid champions ranging in supporting role, and the good thing is that it hardly loses its usefulness during the match. This is because the Lux is of course a kind of offensive support. Not exactly a nanny ADCs, but a tool that helps the team in general. Lux to stay alive during team fights (unless the enemy team is far superior to yours) hardly his team will lose the fight. Like a conventional magician, Lux has low life, but on the other hand cause high damage from a distance, in several targets at once. Then you will be behind the tanks playing spells, but at the same time it is important to remember that Lux is a champion of "poke". Therefore, the Lux function is not only win fights teams as they happen, but also win fights of times before they happen. With his poke, you will download the lives of enemies while still positioning or waiting for someone to start (be careful not to put yourself out of position, YOUR DISTANCE ABUSE). Do not feel sorry to use your R for pokear, its R has one of the lowest cooldowns of the game, probably back in time when you need to use it again. You can not get much lower life that tank that made magic resistance, but if the rest of the enemy team is with a 50/60% of HP thanks to his poke, his team already has a big advantage! Keep in mind that you have burst to kill any ADC and most APCs in a combo, so if you see one of these out of position, play your Q. If you can catch it, proceed with a rapid sequence of ERE and ready . You just become a 5x5 a 5x4. When the fight begins at last, use your W shield to give us his allies, his And many targets as possible and to hold Q targets that need to be addressed as the ADC or APC enemy. If you have your ult, use it as much as possible enemies. Remember to always keep away because you do NOT have to be in the middle of the fight, and if you get caught, you die, simple as that. If you win, use your ult to kill those who are fleeing if they can use it, and if it is missing, use your Q and E to escape.



