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What Is The Damaged Package Method?
When using several SE methods, such as the Missing Item, the Partial or the Wrong Item methods, the Item weight is a crucial parameter. The representative decline your claim based on the carrier's records demonstrating the package weight was correct at their depot. It's very difficult, If not Impossible, to try and justify your claim for missing goods or an Incorrect Item received.
Thankfully, you can well and truly rescue your SE with the "damaged package method", to the point of leaving the company speechless! Here's how the method works. When you've used any of the aforementioned methods, and your claim was declined for the reasons stated In the above paragraph, you'd contact the rep and Inform him that you've noticed "the package was ripped and had a few tears on It". But don't overdo It, and do not go Into anymore detail than you need to - only what's required to get your point across.
The reason I'm suggesting to keep the Information to a minimum, Is because If you say the package Is torn all over the place, It's very likely It would've been seen by the driver In the early stage of the shipment and because a damage report wasn't raised by the carrier, the company will not believe your story. Only tell them the package looks damaged, and leave It at that. If you haven't figured It out already, the objective Is to make It seem as though the package was tampered with In transit, and your product was stolen prior to reaching your address.
This Is a very effective approach and a favourable outcome Is almost guaranteed on each and every occasion - for the fact that representatives have very little ammunition to use In their defence. As simple as It sounds, you will Inevitably experience a few complications during the claim's assessment - namely from reps/agents who follow protocol and work strictly by the book, thus It's paramount to know exactly "what to expect with the damaged package method", so we'll check It out right now.
What To Expect With The Damaged Package Method
It's Important to have a good understanding of how the damaged package method Is handled by representatives, thereby If they hit you with all sorts of questions and requests, you'll be In a position to tackle their demands efficiently and effectively.
  • Cross-Checking The Carrier's Record
Once the rep/agent has been told that the package containing your order arrived damaged, one of the very first things he'll do, Is open what's called an "Investigation" with the carrier that serviced your delivery. For your reference, an Investigation Is basically an official Inquiry Into your claim, with the Intention to see whether the details you've said/provided to the company, are In fact true and correct. If you've yet to experience an Investigation, there's no need to panic - It's simply part of their protocol to move forward with the claim, hence there's no cause for concern.
Because you've said the package was not In Its original state, the company will "cross-check the weight" - which would've been taken when the consignment was checked In at the carrier's depot. For example, let's say you're SEing an IPhone 13 that's around 175 grams by using the missing Item method. You've contacted the representative and said that after opening the box, there was nothing Inside, and he then liaised with the carrier and was told there was no variance In weight with your package, therefore the phone could not have been missing.
It concludes your cell phone was not only dispatched correctly from the company's warehouse, but It was also In the package while sitting In storage at the carrier's depot waiting to be allocated and delivered to Its respective destination - your address, drop house or any other location used to accept goods. As a result, they have sufficient evidence to decline your claim, and they did exactly that and your case was closed shortly after. Under the circumstances, It seems like your SE has come to an end, yes? Absolutely not! We'll see how in a few minutes.
  • Using GPS/Tracking To Decline The Claim
When you buy something from the Internet and waiting for It to be delivered, In order to make Its way to the right address (your home), It needs to be Identified throughout Its journey and the way It's done, Is by assigning a "tracking number" to the package, namely on the shipping label which also contains a barcode. The tracking number can be revealed when the barcode Is scanned. Each number Is unique, and no two are ever the same, hence there's no room for error when pinpointing which tracking number belongs to what package.
The driver will pickup your package at the collection point, "scan the barcode", and It will Instantly record the sender and receiver details. At some stage during the day, he'll take It to the depot and It will be scanned for the second time. When It's scheduled for delivery, once again the driver will scan It, and then place It In his van. Finally, when the package reaches the drop off point (your house) It will be scanned for the last time - which confirms It made Its way to the correct address.
If you've kept count on the amount of times the package was scanned, you'd know that It's a total of "4 times" - at the collection point, checking In the consignment at the depot, just before It's placed In the driver's van and at your home. Taking all that on board, the package can be seen In real time as It's travelling through the carrier's network, and then successfully delivered to the right place, thereby representatives use GPS/tracking Information to "try" and reject your claim. Notice I've quoted "try"? That's because there's a very effective approach that'll put an end to every effort to decline your claim!
The Damaged Package Method With A > 95% Success Rate
The reason being Is that there Is only one way It can be applied, so even If you've just started social engineering last week, you can't go wrong with the method's execution. You'll see what I mean In a minute or two. Just to refresh your memory, I'd like to recap on the events that the damaged package method often triggers. The first Is cross-checking the weight with the carrier, to determine If your Item was enclosed In the package. The second and final event Is using GPS/tracking details to verify the shipment was delivered to the right address.
But all that Is completely useless when the damaged package method comes Into action! It's very Important to use It precisely as follows, so pay attention to every word from this point onwards. After you've been told a refund or replacement has been rejected, tell the rep/agent to provide photographic evidence of the package condition "at the exact time It was delivered to your address".
Moreover, the photos must be clearly visible and "contain every angle of the package". Be sure to apply what I've "quoted" above and In this paragraph EXACTLY as written, and forward It to the representative In question. I can assure you there Is absolutely no way the rep can fulfil your request. Sure, carriers such as DPD leave packages at the doorstep and take a snapshot thereafter, but there Isn't a single driver who zooms In and photographs "each and every side of the package" - and that's why the damaged package method succeeds on almost all occasions - but only when It's executed as discussed In this topic, and you remain firm with your request.
In Conclusion
The good thing about the damaged package method, Is the fact that It will always maintain the same level of efficiency and accuracy, and never lose Its effectiveness nor become obsolete - for the reason that It solely relies on the delivery of packages to succeed, which carrier companies will continue to service Indefinitely.
As you're aware, the method Is only as good as Its application and execution - specifically being adamant about asking for evidence of the package condition at the exact time It was delivered to your address, so keep this In mind with every SE you plan to formulate against the method.
this thread was made using 'socialengineers' blog infomations.



