Doujin Reader
800 XP
Register and Buy Fullz from WCC-PLUG.CM
Go to and create a new account or login if you already have account
Use this direct link site:
You just need email username and password to create account
Create a unique username and password and click on register. IF you have an account already just sign in and proceed to topup. If you already have balance Just skip and go to choosing a card to use
Once you have your account created. Go to deposit and follow deposit guide and load up btc to your account You will need to have crypto in your bitcoin wallet as the site only accepts crypto payment
Click on Add funds button to proceed. If you already have balance, you can skip the top-up and proceed to buying the crypto
Use the Bitcoin wallet shown on the topup page. Copy the address and send the minimum ($150) amount or more. You should send all the funds in one transaction to speed up the process.
Wait for at least one transaction confirmation and click on I have paid button
Once your transaction is confirmed. Click on I have paid button and you should be notified that your balance is added and ready for use
I topped up $200 from my wallet and after 2 confirmations I clicked on I have paid button. You should see a similar notification that your balance is added
payment confirmation
Now your balance should read the total amount you topped up. Now we can proceed to choosing the best card for carding. Make sure you follow the guide completely if you are new to carding
Go with Gold or Platinum Card for best results. Mostly go with the Gold card as this will allow us to card orders up to $1k easily as they are the majority cards users tend to use.
Finally choose a card with all the fields checked making sure it’s a nonvbv and got all address and names info.This is a type of card without 2fa verification and all of the security questions we might come across will be from the Fullz details like dob
Using the nonvbv fullz information of the card you bought from wcc, create a new account.
You need name, email and phone to continue. For the first part of the form, you need to fill email and password to continue
Use email address you can access to receive sms code to verify it.
Click on verify email to continue
Verify Email
Fill in the code sent to your email to show ownership of the email. It’s a 6-digit code from
Click on verify to proceed or resend otp if you never received any
Amazon will not let you proceed without a phone number. For better results use a same country phone number as your cc. You can card Skype or google voice to get US phone numbers. Some online receive sms websites also give free phone numbers for verification. You can try to receive verification codes. Note these free services will only work if the number has not been used in Amazon yet.
After you add your number click on verify to receive otp You need to fill the otp to proceed
Finally select create your amazon account and you will be set for the next steps
Now we need to add the card to our payment methods. Go to your amazon account and click on payment methods. You should have none at the time. Click on add new
Click on add payment method and fill out the form with our cc information
The first part of the form requires you to fill name, cc number and cvv. You will fill billing address in the next part of the form
Click on add your card to proceed to the next steps
Use the Fullz you got to fill the billing address. You should know that the billing of the card acts as the verification for authorization of the card. some gateways will not charge if the billing is not correct.
Select use this address to proceed. Make sure you confirm the address exists on google before using in the form. This will help to clear any errors in the address
With every detail matching, you will be asked to confirm the card, you can also set it as the default payment method
Now Amazon will give you a confirmation that the card has been successfully added and can be used to charger your orders. This means that the card is live and can be accepted. Now the next step will be to find items to buy
Find items not exceeding the total balance for your card. Note we will be using a different shipping address so we should not card all the amount from the card. We should use about 80% of the total funds. I recommend below $1.5k for a 2k or above card balance at first time. Add the items to cart to continue
Confirm that you really want to buy the goods in your cart. Here edit the shipping address to any address in the same country. When you do so, Amazon will try to force card 3d verification since you changed address but since you will be using a non2fa card, there will be no difference and no security will be added
Click on place order and wait for the window to load. This step confirms if the order is good for charging or if it looks like fraud. It should take us to the next process since the setup is fine
Like I said earlier, since we changed shipping and now its different to card billing, Amazon will try to enforce 3d security to ask 2fa from your bank. If you used a 2fa enabled card, it will ask you to enter sms code sent to mobile number linked to the card. You should choose a nonvbv from wcc. The steps to choose the card is covered in the first steps of this guide
This step tries to ask your bank for 3d security system. Never use a secured card or else you will always fail in this step
Now since we are using a non-secure card from wcc, our order will be placed without the system connecting to bank for extra security. Normally the window will load and proceed as a success. The bank gateway can either return a success or failure, if for example you come across a 2fa system and you don’t have the code, you will obviously fail and the gateway will return a failure, Amazon will then decline the order. If the card is not secured, the gateway will just return a success and Amazon will place your order
Here is my order success notification after the process
order was placed successfully
Now just wait till the order ships and you will be notified in the email. Get the tracking and track every step of the order till you get it.
Do not card again until the order ships first. If you haven’t received a shipment notification, note it can be canceled. Wait first for the items to move out of the warehouse then do your stuff again
Congratulations! you completed the amazon carding method.
- PC – We will install the app on pc
- VM – Optional. You can install the tools in virtual machine
- US phone – You need a phone number to link with account
- WCC-PLUG account – Buy NonVbv CC from for this method.
- Fullz – To avoid verification, use Fullz with all personal info
Register and Buy Fullz from WCC-PLUG.CM
Go to and create a new account or login if you already have account
Use this direct link site:
You just need email username and password to create account
Create a unique username and password and click on register. IF you have an account already just sign in and proceed to topup. If you already have balance Just skip and go to choosing a card to use
Once you have your account created. Go to deposit and follow deposit guide and load up btc to your account You will need to have crypto in your bitcoin wallet as the site only accepts crypto payment
Click on Add funds button to proceed. If you already have balance, you can skip the top-up and proceed to buying the crypto
Use the Bitcoin wallet shown on the topup page. Copy the address and send the minimum ($150) amount or more. You should send all the funds in one transaction to speed up the process.
Wait for at least one transaction confirmation and click on I have paid button
Once your transaction is confirmed. Click on I have paid button and you should be notified that your balance is added and ready for use
I topped up $200 from my wallet and after 2 confirmations I clicked on I have paid button. You should see a similar notification that your balance is added
payment confirmation
Now your balance should read the total amount you topped up. Now we can proceed to choosing the best card for carding. Make sure you follow the guide completely if you are new to carding
Go with Gold or Platinum Card for best results. Mostly go with the Gold card as this will allow us to card orders up to $1k easily as they are the majority cards users tend to use.
Finally choose a card with all the fields checked making sure it’s a nonvbv and got all address and names info.This is a type of card without 2fa verification and all of the security questions we might come across will be from the Fullz details like dob
Using the nonvbv fullz information of the card you bought from wcc, create a new account.
You need name, email and phone to continue. For the first part of the form, you need to fill email and password to continue
Use email address you can access to receive sms code to verify it.
Click on verify email to continue
Verify Email
Fill in the code sent to your email to show ownership of the email. It’s a 6-digit code from
Click on verify to proceed or resend otp if you never received any
Amazon will not let you proceed without a phone number. For better results use a same country phone number as your cc. You can card Skype or google voice to get US phone numbers. Some online receive sms websites also give free phone numbers for verification. You can try to receive verification codes. Note these free services will only work if the number has not been used in Amazon yet.
After you add your number click on verify to receive otp You need to fill the otp to proceed
Finally select create your amazon account and you will be set for the next steps
Now we need to add the card to our payment methods. Go to your amazon account and click on payment methods. You should have none at the time. Click on add new
Click on add payment method and fill out the form with our cc information
The first part of the form requires you to fill name, cc number and cvv. You will fill billing address in the next part of the form
Click on add your card to proceed to the next steps
Use the Fullz you got to fill the billing address. You should know that the billing of the card acts as the verification for authorization of the card. some gateways will not charge if the billing is not correct.
Select use this address to proceed. Make sure you confirm the address exists on google before using in the form. This will help to clear any errors in the address
With every detail matching, you will be asked to confirm the card, you can also set it as the default payment method
Now Amazon will give you a confirmation that the card has been successfully added and can be used to charger your orders. This means that the card is live and can be accepted. Now the next step will be to find items to buy
Find items not exceeding the total balance for your card. Note we will be using a different shipping address so we should not card all the amount from the card. We should use about 80% of the total funds. I recommend below $1.5k for a 2k or above card balance at first time. Add the items to cart to continue
Confirm that you really want to buy the goods in your cart. Here edit the shipping address to any address in the same country. When you do so, Amazon will try to force card 3d verification since you changed address but since you will be using a non2fa card, there will be no difference and no security will be added
Click on place order and wait for the window to load. This step confirms if the order is good for charging or if it looks like fraud. It should take us to the next process since the setup is fine
Like I said earlier, since we changed shipping and now its different to card billing, Amazon will try to enforce 3d security to ask 2fa from your bank. If you used a 2fa enabled card, it will ask you to enter sms code sent to mobile number linked to the card. You should choose a nonvbv from wcc. The steps to choose the card is covered in the first steps of this guide
This step tries to ask your bank for 3d security system. Never use a secured card or else you will always fail in this step
Now since we are using a non-secure card from wcc, our order will be placed without the system connecting to bank for extra security. Normally the window will load and proceed as a success. The bank gateway can either return a success or failure, if for example you come across a 2fa system and you don’t have the code, you will obviously fail and the gateway will return a failure, Amazon will then decline the order. If the card is not secured, the gateway will just return a success and Amazon will place your order
Here is my order success notification after the process
order was placed successfully
Now just wait till the order ships and you will be notified in the email. Get the tracking and track every step of the order till you get it.
Do not card again until the order ships first. If you haven’t received a shipment notification, note it can be canceled. Wait first for the items to move out of the warehouse then do your stuff again
Congratulations! you completed the amazon carding method.