Crowdfunding Campaign Manager
300 XP
Don't forgot to join https://discord.gg/ueAmWXdejS for more
Don't forgot to join https://discord.gg/ueAmWXdejS for more
Before I begin highlighting how to begin this method I would like to put a huge disclaimer out, I DO NOT condone underage gambling of any kind, I would also like to warn that this technique can be amazing and a very quick fast method to grow your investment but it also can go the opposite way as well, I'm going to highlight some steps you MUST take to minimize the chances of losing everything.
Step #1- Make sure you have BTC, if you don't have BTC you must get
Step #2- https://coinscrash.com/register/signup
Step #3- Follow the easy instructions listed on the website to sign up
Step #4- Once signed up you should see at the top of the page the word "account", and copy the BTC deposit address by clicking the paper icon next to the address, then you go to your BTC wallet and send how ever much money you want to invest to that address and you should see Bits show up on your account.
Step #5- After you deposit money into your account it is time to start betting, This is a crash gamemode meaning that the multiplier followed by the "x" you see raising every round is the number that your bet will me multiplied by if you cash out in time.
Step #6- It is time for your first bet, input 100 into the Bet value and input 100000 into the Payout value.
Step #7- This step is very important! Once you click bet you will see your "Cashout Bit Value" rising, this means that if you click the cashout button under the payout during the game that is how much you will be receiving. So lets say your game is at 3x and you bet 100, if you cashout at 3x that means you will be getting 300 back instead of just your 100 bet.
Step #8- So now as u have the a clue how it works, Here is a code which I use daily and it works. I tweaked this one to maximize winnings while keeping the risk low. Slow but steady.
Code :
// Settings
var baseBet = 1; // In bits
var baseMultiplier = 1.06; // Target multiplier: 1.03 recommended
var variableBase = false; // Enable variable mode (very experimental), read streakSecurity.
var streakSecurity = 15; // Number of loss-streak you wanna be safe for. Increasing this massively reduces the variableBase calculated. (1-loss = 20%, 2-loss = 5%, 3-loss = 1.25% of your maximum balance). Recommended: 2+
var maximumBet = 999999; // Maximum bet the bot will do (in bits).
// Variables - Do not touch!
var baseSatoshi = baseBet * 100; // Calculated
var currentBet = baseSatoshi;
var currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
var currentGameID = -1;
var firstGame = true;
var lossStreak = 0;
var coolingDown = false;
// Initialization
console.log('====== marikasauce code ======');
console.log('My username is: ' + engine.getUsername());
console.log('Starting balance: ' + (engine.getBalance() / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
var startingBalance = engine.getBalance();
if (variableBase) {
console.warn('[WARN] Variable mode is enabled and not fully tested. Bot is resillient to ' + streakSecurity + '-loss streaks.');
// On a game starting, place the bet.
engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {
console.log('====== New Game ======');
console.log('[Bot] Game #' + info.game_id);
currentGameID = info.game_id;
if (coolingDown) {
if (lossStreak == 0) {
coolingDown = false;
else {
console.log('[Bot] Cooling down! Games remaining: ' + lossStreak);
if (!firstGame) { // Display data only after first game played.
console.log('[Stats] Session profit: ' + ((engine.getBalance() - startingBalance) / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
console.log('[Stats] Profit percentage: ' + (((engine.getBalance() / startingBalance) - 1) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
if (engine.lastGamePlay() == 'LOST' && !firstGame) { // If last game loss:
var totalLosses = 0; // Total satoshi lost.
var lastLoss = currentBet; // Store our last bet.
while (lastLoss >= baseSatoshi) { // Until we get down to base bet, add the previous losses.
totalLosses += lastLoss;
lastLoss /= 4;
if (lossStreak > streakSecurity) { // If we're on a loss streak, wait a few games!
coolingDown = true;
currentBet *= 7; // Then multiply base bet by 4!
currentMultiplier = 1.00 + (totalLosses / currentBet);
else { // Otherwise if win or first game:
lossStreak = 0; // If it was a win, we reset the lossStreak.
if (variableBase) { // If variable bet enabled.
// Variable mode resists (currently) 1 loss, by making sure you have enough to cover the base and the 4x base bet.
var divider = 100;
for (i = 0; i < streakSecurity; i++) {
divider += (100 * Math.pow(4, (i + 1)));
newBaseBet = Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.floor(engine.getBalance() / divider)), maximumBet * 100); // In bits
newBaseSatoshi = newBaseBet * 100;
if ((newBaseBet != baseBet) || (newBaseBet == 1)) {
console.log('[Bot] Variable mode has changed base bet to: ' + newBaseBet + ' bits');
baseBet = newBaseBet;
baseSatoshi = newBaseSatoshi;
// Update bet.
currentBet = baseSatoshi; // in Satoshi
currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
// Message and set first game to false to be sure.
console.log('[Bot] Betting ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits, cashing out at ' + currentMultiplier + 'x');
firstGame = false;
if (currentBet <= engine.getBalance()) { // Ensure we have enough to bet
if (currentBet > (maximumBet * 100)) { // Ensure you only bet the maximum.
console.warn('[Warn] Bet size exceeds maximum bet, lowering bet to ' + (maximumBet * 100) + ' bits');
currentBet = maximumBet;
engine.placeBet(currentBet, Math.round(currentMultiplier * 100), false);
else { // Otherwise insufficent funds...
if (engine.getBalance() < 100) {
console.error('[Bot] Insufficent funds to do anything... stopping');
else {
console.warn('[Bot] Insufficent funds to bet ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits.');
console.warn('[Bot] Resetting to 1 bit basebet');
baseBet = 1;
baseSatoshi = 100;
engine.on('game_started', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game #' + currentGameID + ' has started!'); }
engine.on('cashed_out', function(data) {
if (data.username == engine.getUsername()) {
console.log('[Bot] Successfully cashed out at ' + (data.stopped_at / 100) + 'x');
engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game crashed at ' + (data.game_crash / 100) + 'x'); }
Step #9- Copy the Code and Click at AutoBet-Costum delete the text inside and paste the Code, which it will makes auto bet and bring profit to balance every round
You can run this 24/7 in a rdp or pc
You can adjust the script as you prefer
To run the code on this math need a minimum balance of 25000 Bits
NEVER bet more than 1/4 of your Bits Balance,
Know when to withdraw your money to your BTC wallet, and take the small profits at first.
Don't forgot to join https://discord.gg/ueAmWXdejS for more
Don't forgot to join https://discord.gg/ueAmWXdejS for more
Before I begin highlighting how to begin this method I would like to put a huge disclaimer out, I DO NOT condone underage gambling of any kind, I would also like to warn that this technique can be amazing and a very quick fast method to grow your investment but it also can go the opposite way as well, I'm going to highlight some steps you MUST take to minimize the chances of losing everything.
Step #1- Make sure you have BTC, if you don't have BTC you must get
Step #2- https://coinscrash.com/register/signup
Step #3- Follow the easy instructions listed on the website to sign up
Step #4- Once signed up you should see at the top of the page the word "account", and copy the BTC deposit address by clicking the paper icon next to the address, then you go to your BTC wallet and send how ever much money you want to invest to that address and you should see Bits show up on your account.
Step #5- After you deposit money into your account it is time to start betting, This is a crash gamemode meaning that the multiplier followed by the "x" you see raising every round is the number that your bet will me multiplied by if you cash out in time.
Step #6- It is time for your first bet, input 100 into the Bet value and input 100000 into the Payout value.
Step #7- This step is very important! Once you click bet you will see your "Cashout Bit Value" rising, this means that if you click the cashout button under the payout during the game that is how much you will be receiving. So lets say your game is at 3x and you bet 100, if you cashout at 3x that means you will be getting 300 back instead of just your 100 bet.
Step #8- So now as u have the a clue how it works, Here is a code which I use daily and it works. I tweaked this one to maximize winnings while keeping the risk low. Slow but steady.
Code :
// Settings
var baseBet = 1; // In bits
var baseMultiplier = 1.06; // Target multiplier: 1.03 recommended
var variableBase = false; // Enable variable mode (very experimental), read streakSecurity.
var streakSecurity = 15; // Number of loss-streak you wanna be safe for. Increasing this massively reduces the variableBase calculated. (1-loss = 20%, 2-loss = 5%, 3-loss = 1.25% of your maximum balance). Recommended: 2+
var maximumBet = 999999; // Maximum bet the bot will do (in bits).
// Variables - Do not touch!
var baseSatoshi = baseBet * 100; // Calculated
var currentBet = baseSatoshi;
var currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
var currentGameID = -1;
var firstGame = true;
var lossStreak = 0;
var coolingDown = false;
// Initialization
console.log('====== marikasauce code ======');
console.log('My username is: ' + engine.getUsername());
console.log('Starting balance: ' + (engine.getBalance() / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
var startingBalance = engine.getBalance();
if (variableBase) {
console.warn('[WARN] Variable mode is enabled and not fully tested. Bot is resillient to ' + streakSecurity + '-loss streaks.');
// On a game starting, place the bet.
engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {
console.log('====== New Game ======');
console.log('[Bot] Game #' + info.game_id);
currentGameID = info.game_id;
if (coolingDown) {
if (lossStreak == 0) {
coolingDown = false;
else {
console.log('[Bot] Cooling down! Games remaining: ' + lossStreak);
if (!firstGame) { // Display data only after first game played.
console.log('[Stats] Session profit: ' + ((engine.getBalance() - startingBalance) / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
console.log('[Stats] Profit percentage: ' + (((engine.getBalance() / startingBalance) - 1) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
if (engine.lastGamePlay() == 'LOST' && !firstGame) { // If last game loss:
var totalLosses = 0; // Total satoshi lost.
var lastLoss = currentBet; // Store our last bet.
while (lastLoss >= baseSatoshi) { // Until we get down to base bet, add the previous losses.
totalLosses += lastLoss;
lastLoss /= 4;
if (lossStreak > streakSecurity) { // If we're on a loss streak, wait a few games!
coolingDown = true;
currentBet *= 7; // Then multiply base bet by 4!
currentMultiplier = 1.00 + (totalLosses / currentBet);
else { // Otherwise if win or first game:
lossStreak = 0; // If it was a win, we reset the lossStreak.
if (variableBase) { // If variable bet enabled.
// Variable mode resists (currently) 1 loss, by making sure you have enough to cover the base and the 4x base bet.
var divider = 100;
for (i = 0; i < streakSecurity; i++) {
divider += (100 * Math.pow(4, (i + 1)));
newBaseBet = Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.floor(engine.getBalance() / divider)), maximumBet * 100); // In bits
newBaseSatoshi = newBaseBet * 100;
if ((newBaseBet != baseBet) || (newBaseBet == 1)) {
console.log('[Bot] Variable mode has changed base bet to: ' + newBaseBet + ' bits');
baseBet = newBaseBet;
baseSatoshi = newBaseSatoshi;
// Update bet.
currentBet = baseSatoshi; // in Satoshi
currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
// Message and set first game to false to be sure.
console.log('[Bot] Betting ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits, cashing out at ' + currentMultiplier + 'x');
firstGame = false;
if (currentBet <= engine.getBalance()) { // Ensure we have enough to bet
if (currentBet > (maximumBet * 100)) { // Ensure you only bet the maximum.
console.warn('[Warn] Bet size exceeds maximum bet, lowering bet to ' + (maximumBet * 100) + ' bits');
currentBet = maximumBet;
engine.placeBet(currentBet, Math.round(currentMultiplier * 100), false);
else { // Otherwise insufficent funds...
if (engine.getBalance() < 100) {
console.error('[Bot] Insufficent funds to do anything... stopping');
else {
console.warn('[Bot] Insufficent funds to bet ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits.');
console.warn('[Bot] Resetting to 1 bit basebet');
baseBet = 1;
baseSatoshi = 100;
engine.on('game_started', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game #' + currentGameID + ' has started!'); }
engine.on('cashed_out', function(data) {
if (data.username == engine.getUsername()) {
console.log('[Bot] Successfully cashed out at ' + (data.stopped_at / 100) + 'x');
engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game crashed at ' + (data.game_crash / 100) + 'x'); }
Step #9- Copy the Code and Click at AutoBet-Costum delete the text inside and paste the Code, which it will makes auto bet and bring profit to balance every round
You can run this 24/7 in a rdp or pc
You can adjust the script as you prefer
To run the code on this math need a minimum balance of 25000 Bits
NEVER bet more than 1/4 of your Bits Balance,
Know when to withdraw your money to your BTC wallet, and take the small profits at first.
Don't forgot to join https://discord.gg/ueAmWXdejS for more