Dungeon Explorer
500 XP
This Is Easiest Way To Make $$ On Your Android Phone.
Payment Proof Also Attached, This is Legit Money!!
1st, Download Stormplay App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cakecodes.bitmaker&hl=in sign up and use referral code 7KVK09TB to get 6000bolts ( yups, its my refferal link, but you wont get 6000 bolts if you're not input the code, its all up to you ) i recommend sign up through phone number
2nd, download termux https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux&hl=in and install
3rd. execute command in termux:
setup termux
pkg upgrade
pkg install php git
git clone
cd storm
php bot.php
4th, termux will executing script for 1st time, it ask for manual and phone login (choose phone login) you will get sms from stormplay, input the code into termux. then choose random device id
5th, DONE! the script run 24/7 and claim bolt every 30 minutes. i got my 1st payment without referral with only running script for 2weeks.
here is my payment proof: http://prntscr.com/okxd04
Payment Proof Also Attached, This is Legit Money!!
1st, Download Stormplay App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cakecodes.bitmaker&hl=in sign up and use referral code 7KVK09TB to get 6000bolts ( yups, its my refferal link, but you wont get 6000 bolts if you're not input the code, its all up to you ) i recommend sign up through phone number
2nd, download termux https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux&hl=in and install
3rd. execute command in termux:
setup termux
pkg upgrade
pkg install php git
git clone
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
php bot.php
4th, termux will executing script for 1st time, it ask for manual and phone login (choose phone login) you will get sms from stormplay, input the code into termux. then choose random device id
5th, DONE! the script run 24/7 and claim bolt every 30 minutes. i got my 1st payment without referral with only running script for 2weeks.
here is my payment proof: http://prntscr.com/okxd04