Social Media Trend Analyst
800 XP

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METHOD 1(user can be unbanned)
DM on the user and ask a question to which he can answer yes or no. After that wait a few minutes and edit your message to something like this: Are you under 14? (If he answered no, just reverse the question)
If you're lucky and have mutual servers with this user you can easily find messages where he made jokes about his age or something. Now report those messages to the support.
Trust & Safety > Report other issue > Underage user
Paste the message links that can prove that user's age and write something like this: I'm worried about this underage user's safety. (paste message links and the user's ID)
It usually takes around 12 hours to term a user with this method.
METHOD 2(user cannot be unbanned)
DM on the user and ask something like: Do you know any good restaurants in LA? (You can figure out many questions where he has to write an address as an answer) You have to get the user to write down any address. If you can get him to write down the phone number of the place, even better. This will seem like he doxxed you.
After he answered with a specific address, you can report the message to the support.
Trust & Safety > Report abuse or harassment > Someone posted personal or private information, or threatened to do so > A phone number, physical address, or other sensitive information
Paste the message link(s) that contains the physical address or/and phone number. In the description, you can say something like this: I'm really scared of this user, he sent my exact address. Please do something! (paste message link(s) and the user's ID)
It usually takes around 24 hours to term a user with this method and cannot be unbanned. bye bye account 4ever
If you have any questions, hmu on Telegram