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Fantasy Isekai Dreamer
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
Part of a book I am writing:
“Being a man means choosing what needs to be done over what you want to do.” -found this on Instagram
What the fuck has happened to us? Did someone curse us? How are they succeeding in turning men into little girls? For what reason?
Actually, I know all the answers, but I still had to lay out the questions because they’re extremely important.
Key words:
Authority, physical & mental strength, leadership, dominance, courage, morality, independence, family values and taking responsibility.
According to modern society, if you harness these values, it’s called toxic masculinity.
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” – G. Michael Hopf
The truest quote ever depicting the cyclical nature of reality, however, due to the mass propaganda today (made widely available by the internet), they are trying to “cast” a forever-state of hard times and weak men. It’s satan’s ultimate goal, he knows that without strong, moral men, we will always be doomed for destruction. So God help me (and you, and us), he won’t succeed.
If you're fat, ugly, and unhealthy it's because you're lazy. And of course you'll be miserable, there simply can't be happiness in your existence because you were not designed to be that way. This unhappiness is supposed to motivate you but you've been tricked by the modern world into thinking that your laziness is a condition or disease of some sort and that it's okay to be that way. When you feel like shit, it should be a warning that your life is shit and that something must change. It's supposed to inspire you to push harder and do something that will fix that and get you back on track.
Not too long ago, it was a shame and dishonor if you were a weak man without the values mentioned above. Today, they’re trying to normalize being weak and are turning men into little girls. We live in a demonic time of extreme mental illness which is being glorified and marketed on every corner. A carefully orchestrated destruction of society by the 1% that rule over us. Our laziness, passivity and not taking responsibility for our lives all allowed for this to happen. It’s all our fault. Sin has damaged the reflection of ideal masculinity.
If there is not a change, and a rapid one at that, and we do not revert back to these forgotten values, we will be razed to the ground. We owe it to our ancestors. There is hope however and I am noticing a light of change on the horizon.
I know that some of you reading this had the misfortune of not growing up with a father figure, and I completely understand where you are coming from. This however should only make you stronger and drive you to discover the truth so you can teach your kids what your father could not teach you.
“Masculinity finds its definition in in the Creator alone — not the world, not culture, not the workplace. Ultimately and completely, masculinity is defined by the Creator who makes men.” – Vince Miller



