Wit Warrior
400 XP
So as we know to start cracking we need good dorks so good combo, i'm a starter like you but i still can help you making you own HQ combolist.
This tutorial is containing of:
1- How to make your own HQ keywords
2- How to make your own HQ dorks
3- Then dumb this stuff.
So go to whatever searching engine you would like to start with literally any search engine and type the thing you want to crack
Example: "Netflix" without the double code sign
and scroll down as you can
you will see some releated keywords, copy them
and do this alot of times with DIFFRENT keywords.
after that we have 2 ways to get our HQ dorks.
First the manual ones (that i will explain if that thread got some goods knawn sen)
Second: The Machine ones.
So go to the TSP Dork genrator use any version you like i recomend using version 11
after that put the keywords you got.
then genrate.
get them ones they spawn in the folder then filter them with textutils by lays
after you did that stuff, you will need to scan those dorks!
go to dork searcher by cryp70 then scan them
after you get some links.
put them in the sqli dumper and boom.
This tutorial is containing of:
1- How to make your own HQ keywords
2- How to make your own HQ dorks
3- Then dumb this stuff.
So go to whatever searching engine you would like to start with literally any search engine and type the thing you want to crack
Example: "Netflix" without the double code sign
and scroll down as you can
you will see some releated keywords, copy them
and do this alot of times with DIFFRENT keywords.
after that we have 2 ways to get our HQ dorks.
First the manual ones (that i will explain if that thread got some goods knawn sen)
Second: The Machine ones.
So go to the TSP Dork genrator use any version you like i recomend using version 11
after that put the keywords you got.
then genrate.
get them ones they spawn in the folder then filter them with textutils by lays
after you did that stuff, you will need to scan those dorks!
go to dork searcher by cryp70 then scan them
after you get some links.
put them in the sqli dumper and boom.