Multiplayer Tactician
700 XP
Never seen this method around,so I'm posting it here.
Be a good boy and leave a like.Leechers are reported.
Sign up to Shopify and create a playlist.Add really hot trending songs.
Promote that playlist on the Spotify subreddit on,Facebook,Twitter,social media...
Try to get more than 1000 active followers on that playlist.
Add then apply at Playlist push(google it) as a curator.
When they approve you,you gonna get paid between 1 and 15 USD for every song review.
Edited by ctbrown, 11 February 2021 - 09:20 AM.
Be a good boy and leave a like.Leechers are reported.
Sign up to Shopify and create a playlist.Add really hot trending songs.
Promote that playlist on the Spotify subreddit on,Facebook,Twitter,social media...
Try to get more than 1000 active followers on that playlist.
Add then apply at Playlist push(google it) as a curator.
When they approve you,you gonna get paid between 1 and 15 USD for every song review.
Edited by ctbrown, 11 February 2021 - 09:20 AM.