AI Model Designer
300 XP
Hey guys, this will be my first post so bare with me. I stumbled upon this game called "RollerCoin". I am sure some of you have heard about it. Its a "crypto mining" sim. You don't have to install anything, nor do you have to use your own computers valuable resources. All you have to do is login every once in a while and play a few games to maintain your share of mined crypto.
Playing games increases your mining power + earnings. You can withdraw all earnings you mine. The site also has more than one coin. It has Doge coin, Bitcoin, Ethereum and their in game currency RLT. Anyway I made some pretty nice return from playing and I'd like to offer you the same.
(Edit: Great choice for those who want to become whales!)
If you use my referral code you will get 1000 Sat on sign up!
Feel free to comment if you have questions or just want to talk :/ fellow roller coin users feel free to share your referral code in comments. cheers!
Playing games increases your mining power + earnings. You can withdraw all earnings you mine. The site also has more than one coin. It has Doge coin, Bitcoin, Ethereum and their in game currency RLT. Anyway I made some pretty nice return from playing and I'd like to offer you the same.
(Edit: Great choice for those who want to become whales!)
If you use my referral code you will get 1000 Sat on sign up!
Feel free to comment if you have questions or just want to talk :/ fellow roller coin users feel free to share your referral code in comments. cheers!