600 XP
I will show you great way to make money by reselling fake shoes. Please note that I'm doing this (but my customers know that the shoes are fake). Don't be a scum and say they're fake, instead you can open up a store that sells reps (fakes) and you'll get customers eventually.
Things to note:
It can take up to a month for the goods to arrive (although you frequently get your items in 2-3 weeks).
The price various on the quality of the item.
Shipping costs a lot (at least for my country, for yours it may not be that much, so check it please). You can save money if you buy multiple items at once since shiping for 1 and let's say 6 items is the same.
Your items may get seized. Yeah, sometimes it happens that your items get seized and then you're screwed. You can just leave them there and you may be able to get a replacement pair if you pay like 10 Yuans for that (it's like $1.2 so don't worry). Countries that have stricter border control are the ones in EU and of course other big countries as well. The goods are first shipped to Amsterdam and then they are sent anywhere in EU
Steps to resell sneakers:
How to find sneakers - Actually finding sneakers is easier than you may think. Go to reddit and go on r/repsneakers and search for the shoe you want. See a recent result (last 1 month) and see if the image/post has a W2C (Where-to-cop) link. When you find a good pair (people in the comments will say things as GL (GREEN LIGHT), or if it's a bad pair RL (RED LIGHT).
Use an agent - Use an agent such as CSSBuy, PandaBuy or WeGoBuy to order the goods. Paste the Taobao link in one of the agens (I prefer PandaBuy or WeGoBuy, some people choose others) and then just select the item you want. You can check the shipping and see how much it costs to ship to your country (for me it varies from 250-340 Yuan so it's most profitable for me to order a haul (more items at once) since shipping's less that way).
Make a page or resell to friends - You can make an Instagram page and start reselling or find friends that need some pairs and order from them.
Works with me and hopefully does with you. GL WITH SELLING!
I will show you great way to make money by reselling fake shoes. Please note that I'm doing this (but my customers know that the shoes are fake). Don't be a scum and say they're fake, instead you can open up a store that sells reps (fakes) and you'll get customers eventually.
Things to note:
It can take up to a month for the goods to arrive (although you frequently get your items in 2-3 weeks).
The price various on the quality of the item.
Shipping costs a lot (at least for my country, for yours it may not be that much, so check it please). You can save money if you buy multiple items at once since shiping for 1 and let's say 6 items is the same.
Your items may get seized. Yeah, sometimes it happens that your items get seized and then you're screwed. You can just leave them there and you may be able to get a replacement pair if you pay like 10 Yuans for that (it's like $1.2 so don't worry). Countries that have stricter border control are the ones in EU and of course other big countries as well. The goods are first shipped to Amsterdam and then they are sent anywhere in EU
Steps to resell sneakers:
How to find sneakers - Actually finding sneakers is easier than you may think. Go to reddit and go on r/repsneakers and search for the shoe you want. See a recent result (last 1 month) and see if the image/post has a W2C (Where-to-cop) link. When you find a good pair (people in the comments will say things as GL (GREEN LIGHT), or if it's a bad pair RL (RED LIGHT).
Use an agent - Use an agent such as CSSBuy, PandaBuy or WeGoBuy to order the goods. Paste the Taobao link in one of the agens (I prefer PandaBuy or WeGoBuy, some people choose others) and then just select the item you want. You can check the shipping and see how much it costs to ship to your country (for me it varies from 250-340 Yuan so it's most profitable for me to order a haul (more items at once) since shipping's less that way).
Make a page or resell to friends - You can make an Instagram page and start reselling or find friends that need some pairs and order from them.
Works with me and hopefully does with you. GL WITH SELLING!