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There are a lot of opportunities created by the current situation, and I know that I'm not the only one who takes advantages of this.
So, I decided to give you one of my monetizing techniques to get a lot of money.
Be aware that this method only depends on you and your investments, I'm not gonna give you the Graal, otherwise I'd keep it
This is not miracle method, but I think this is a good one
So, I decided to give you one of my monetizing techniques to get a lot of money.
Be aware that this method only depends on you and your investments, I'm not gonna give you the Graal, otherwise I'd keep it
- First of all, create an account on trading plateforms, I recommend Binance, this is the one I'm using, but there are others like coinbase, kraken...
- => You can use my referral link in order to get 10% more on every trade you do => https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=RK0G7CQH (This is why I'm doing this tutorial lol)
- Then deposit the money you are ready to invest and access here https://www.binance.com/en/trade/pro/BTC_USDT (it is the trade/pro view in Binance)
- Now you have to check the current curve of bitcoin, and wait the current situation is all in red to invest. Thanks to the volatility of the market, it has the trend to go down and go up this is the way to take advantages of the coronavirus, there are a lot of private person which are trading, it also improves the BTC market
- Do not forget to installl the Binance app and check regularly the situation, to trade
- To trade, you have to juggle with USDT and BTC, when the market is high and up, you have to sell all your bitcoins, when it goes down, you spend all your money in BTC.
- Use Trade>Market Order and place 100% to sell/buy
This is not miracle method, but I think this is a good one