Mecha Anime Specialist
800 XP
? Hi There! I've done an insane amount of learning here at Black Hat World and it's finally time for me to begin giving back to the community. I want to thank everyone that has made my experience here so wonderful thus far!
My goal with this guide is to provide a fool proof method that internet marketers just starting out can use to make a substantial income online without any previous experience. With all of that being said, I bring you:
Making Money On Instagram
The Big Picture
In a nutshell, we're going to build up an Instagram following and then sell shout outs to smaller blogs looking to grow their followings. Shout outs are a promotion method in which one blog shows their followers another blog. This gives the blog being "shouted out" exposure.
How much money can we make from this method?
As always, it depends on a number of factors. Those factors include:
The number of followers your blog has
The number of blogs you run
The amount you charge per shout out
The number of people you can get to pay you to shout you out
I know that answer isn't going to satisfy the majority of you reading this so I'm going to give you a real life example: A buddy of mine has 325k followers and charges $95 per shout out. He gave out five shout outs today and made $475. If he stays consistent the rest of the month, he will make around $14,000.
This is where things get exciting: He owns another blog with 252k followers. He charges $85 per shout out there, and did four shout outs today, netting him an additional $340. If he stays consistent , he will make an additional $10,000 this month, adding up to $24,000 this month.
Still not excited? He charges $75 apiece for the next two blogs he owns. Between the two of them he did 10 shout outs today: $750. Let's pretend he can stay consistent with both of those and add another $22,500 to his initial $24,000.
If my point still hasn't hit home: He owns 18 blogs.
It takes A LOT of time to build up to those numbers. For now, let's focus on making one blog relatively big, relatively quickly, and have you earning $100 a day within the next two months.
Step One: Picking A Niche
You need to pick a niche or topic. You want your niche to be popular. An example would be "cars".
Step Two: Follow and Analyze
Follow all of the popular blogs in your niche. Spend an hour analyzing them: How often are they posting? What type of content gets the best reaction from their followers? We want to mimic these successful blogs.
Step Three: Get Your Tools
Roll on over to the app store and snag SaveGram. SaveGram saves photos from Insta onto your camera roll. You can then upload these pictures to your account. While you're at it get on your computer and download 4kstogram. 4lstpgram is a program that allows you to type in an account username and rip their entire posting collection.
Step Four: Begin Posting
Content is king. Go through the top blogs in your niche and pick the very best 100 photos you can find. Really make these first 100 posts gold. Post the first ten immediately with three to four hash tags in each.
I recommend that you create an IG album in your phones photo section. This will save you a ton of time later on when you're posting
Step Five: Follow Blogs That Are Following Niche Related Blogs
Now that you have some content on your blog you're ready to get the ball rolling. You're going to want to choose one of the top blogs you're following (You do not want to use any pictures from this blog). Go into this blogs "Followers" list and begin following the people following them.
Why do you want to follow people following the blogs in your niche?
Quite simply, they have already expressed interest in your topic. If your blogs name is @Luxurycars and you follow somebody following the blog @Supercars, the person you just followed is way more likely to give your blog a look then if you started following people that are following @
I've found that the IG follow limit is 50 people per hour so you're going to want to post a picture and follow 50 people every hour.
You want a 33% follow back ratio. This means that once you are following 6,000 people you should have about 2,000 followers. Anything over that is fantastic
? Hi There! I've done an insane amount of learning here at Black Hat World and it's finally time for me to begin giving back to the community. I want to thank everyone that has made my experience here so wonderful thus far!
My goal with this guide is to provide a fool proof method that internet marketers just starting out can use to make a substantial income online without any previous experience. With all of that being said, I bring you:
Making Money On Instagram
The Big Picture
In a nutshell, we're going to build up an Instagram following and then sell shout outs to smaller blogs looking to grow their followings. Shout outs are a promotion method in which one blog shows their followers another blog. This gives the blog being "shouted out" exposure.
How much money can we make from this method?
As always, it depends on a number of factors. Those factors include:
The number of followers your blog has
The number of blogs you run
The amount you charge per shout out
The number of people you can get to pay you to shout you out
I know that answer isn't going to satisfy the majority of you reading this so I'm going to give you a real life example: A buddy of mine has 325k followers and charges $95 per shout out. He gave out five shout outs today and made $475. If he stays consistent the rest of the month, he will make around $14,000.
This is where things get exciting: He owns another blog with 252k followers. He charges $85 per shout out there, and did four shout outs today, netting him an additional $340. If he stays consistent , he will make an additional $10,000 this month, adding up to $24,000 this month.
Still not excited? He charges $75 apiece for the next two blogs he owns. Between the two of them he did 10 shout outs today: $750. Let's pretend he can stay consistent with both of those and add another $22,500 to his initial $24,000.
If my point still hasn't hit home: He owns 18 blogs.
It takes A LOT of time to build up to those numbers. For now, let's focus on making one blog relatively big, relatively quickly, and have you earning $100 a day within the next two months.
Step One: Picking A Niche
You need to pick a niche or topic. You want your niche to be popular. An example would be "cars".
Step Two: Follow and Analyze
Follow all of the popular blogs in your niche. Spend an hour analyzing them: How often are they posting? What type of content gets the best reaction from their followers? We want to mimic these successful blogs.
Step Three: Get Your Tools
Roll on over to the app store and snag SaveGram. SaveGram saves photos from Insta onto your camera roll. You can then upload these pictures to your account. While you're at it get on your computer and download 4kstogram. 4lstpgram is a program that allows you to type in an account username and rip their entire posting collection.
Step Four: Begin Posting
Content is king. Go through the top blogs in your niche and pick the very best 100 photos you can find. Really make these first 100 posts gold. Post the first ten immediately with three to four hash tags in each.
I recommend that you create an IG album in your phones photo section. This will save you a ton of time later on when you're posting
Step Five: Follow Blogs That Are Following Niche Related Blogs
Now that you have some content on your blog you're ready to get the ball rolling. You're going to want to choose one of the top blogs you're following (You do not want to use any pictures from this blog). Go into this blogs "Followers" list and begin following the people following them.
Why do you want to follow people following the blogs in your niche?
Quite simply, they have already expressed interest in your topic. If your blogs name is @Luxurycars and you follow somebody following the blog @Supercars, the person you just followed is way more likely to give your blog a look then if you started following people that are following @
I've found that the IG follow limit is 50 people per hour so you're going to want to post a picture and follow 50 people every hour.
You want a 33% follow back ratio. This means that once you are following 6,000 people you should have about 2,000 followers. Anything over that is fantastic