Code Modularizer
1000 XP
With this mini-guide I seek to teach some users who are tired of losing thanks to its team of noobs, made by me.
Normally one thinks he can win any game with scripts and if your team is really bad can make you a hard time.
The way I learned is to try not to go both champions dependent both equipment, Ryze, gn and even supports other tanks as champions, because in low elo normally tanks and supports are literally too stupid to expect you to start TF, even though you're the ADC, when they reach a more decent ELO can go ADC, because right now is super broken with a good team.
also it should be emphasized that we must always try to use pinks and not go wadeando much as ADC walk as much as you can in a group and try to use known strategies, sometimes just not all are in use scripts but most of all use your brain.
We also recommend watching video of professionals and other items as boxbox.
I hope you find they been helpful and if they have other tips to contribute to the guide can comment and even can add to this guide. Thank you.
With this mini-guide I seek to teach some users who are tired of losing thanks to its team of noobs, made by me.
Normally one thinks he can win any game with scripts and if your team is really bad can make you a hard time.
The way I learned is to try not to go both champions dependent both equipment, Ryze, gn and even supports other tanks as champions, because in low elo normally tanks and supports are literally too stupid to expect you to start TF, even though you're the ADC, when they reach a more decent ELO can go ADC, because right now is super broken with a good team.
also it should be emphasized that we must always try to use pinks and not go wadeando much as ADC walk as much as you can in a group and try to use known strategies, sometimes just not all are in use scripts but most of all use your brain.
We also recommend watching video of professionals and other items as boxbox.
I hope you find they been helpful and if they have other tips to contribute to the guide can comment and even can add to this guide. Thank you.