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[littleGuide][Free Elo] How to Get Out of Bronze & Silver Playing as ADC


Penetration Lab Designer
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
How can i leave Bronze/Silver then?
Who do you recommend to carry bronze and silver?
Preferably Adcs because they can carry realy hard and they can keep an high range and dont get killed till they carry, id personally recommend to carry lower elos Vayne and Sivir because when theyre well played you can carry even if you have a shiity team
Vayne - Great kite potential ,Stealth Allows her to Reposition, E has a good Peel and allows to stun your enemys
Sivir - Ult Provides Great Mobility , Q does Tons Of damage , Spellshield Can block almost every spell so you dont rely on ur bronze Support to Peel for you and W brings some Multi Target Damage plus some awesome attack speed after level 6
Laning phase
When you go to lane farming will be the most valuable source of income 3 waves of minions worth more than a kill, to farm you need to know how to position in lane , Unless you want fight you should stay behind or in range of your caster minions to prevent enemy champs to start a trade without calling the minion agro , when youre about to last hit always keep and eye on your enemy cause he might be waiting for you to last hit so he can go for some harass damage on you , The Position Depends on the champion youre playing against , For example : If you play vs Lucian you want to keep on the same side of the lane as lucian if hes more close to the top you should go to the top if hes more in the bottom you should go to the bottom to prevent him to use his Extended Q to harass you, but if youre playing vs an ezreal you should stay on the oposite side of the lane so minions block his Skillshots, When you go for a trade you should think about two things , How much damage can we do and how much damage can they do, You gotta track you enemys Cooldowns and try to go for trades when theyre main abilities are down the key for winning you lanes is winning trades
Mid Game
Its teamfight time now you should be strong and have great potential to do some damage, the key to win a teamfight is position You Should be In a zone where you are safe but you also do damage, if you do damage yet youre risking to much its probably not worth it , youre the main damage dealer of your team if you die there is no one to do the damage and the teamfight will drop for the enemys , you wanna stay behind everyone in the safest spot , but you dont want to get zoned so you need to stick with youre team so you cant stay to far not to close because if you get zoned you wont get damage on their team so it should look something like this
So you should stay in the back position where no one can reach you
Late game
Now youre A beast just decimate everyone and carry your game same teamfight positioning
Thanks For you time
Edited by John4, 11 October 2015 - 09:16 PM.



