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LikesXL - Start earning money online for free!


Stand-Up Strategist
S Rep
S Vouches
LEVEL 1 400 XP
With your registration you now have the opportunity to present your company, your products, private or business videos or simply your ideas on one of the fastest growing webpages in this area. All this at a price affordable for everyone.
Moreover, you have been given the fantastic possibility to earn money every 30 minutes by simply looking at (clicking through) ten advertisements (minimum) per day. No matter if you sleep, go to the movies, eat, brush your teeth, do sports…anywhere and anytime you will earn money every 30 minutes. Your decision was the right one!
Since we want to do our best to support you in your decision and on your way to success and financial independency, we want to pay the first month of your gold level status in the system. This means that you can enjoy one month of gold level status for free.
Below you can find the next steps on your way to success and financial independency with LikesXL:
Log into LikesXL with your LikesXL ID or E-mail address and your password and click on the button "load/top up".
Choose the amount you want to load into your LikesXL account. The minimum amount is Euro 50. In order to make rapid progress and to become financially independent we advise you to load between Euro 580 and Euro 1,180 into your account. Be Advised you can still make money by not investing anything.
Then click on payment and choose a payment type. (If you load money via credit card you will see the money instantly in your account, if you load money via bank you will see the money after two to three work days.)
After loading your LikesXL account, upgrade your downline (we recommend € 180). To do this, click on downline upgrade in your personal area which you can access with your login and your password. Again you do not have to upgrade your downline.
After upgrading your downline purchase PR packages with the rest of the money. To do this, click on purchase PR packages.
In order to earn money every 30 minutes you have to click on 10 advertisements within 24 hours and look at them for at least 20 seconds.
Congratulations, you have pathed your way to success and financial independency with LikesXL.
Note: In your login area under cockpit you will find a powerpoint presentation (in various languages) in the download area which again gives you detailed instructions on all steps.
You will also find another powerpoint in this download area which shows you in simple steps how you can advertise your company or your products on LikesXL.
Recommend us!
If you want to reach your goal even faster you should further recommend LikesXL and the opportunity it offers. This is how you do it:
Send an LikesXL reference link to one of your friends and if this person then starts earning money on LikesXL you will also earn money on all their purchases (for up to five levels).
To find your reference link, go to your cockpit and then click on profile. Copy your reference link and send it to others to help them become successful and financially independent. Recommendations are important to us but no obligation.
There haven’t been any earning possibilities like that in any other business. LikesXL has made it possible. Give it a try.
You can sign up free today using my referral link as a thank you for showing you this opportunity: https://www.likesxl.com/ref6016599
Edited by CrazeLegacy, 28 January 2016 - 11:53 AM.



