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LeSs and Fake Stat Tutorial


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*Update: No Longer working due to Legacy Client removal, will update if anything changes*
This might be wrong place or against rules, but i'm flagged as a Leecher for not sharing anything so hopefully a long and well explained guide will change that lol, so here is a guide for using LeSs (League Enhancement Suite) with Fake Stat 0.2. It is essentially a mod patcher for the LoL client. I should also note that using any 3rd party applications are against LoL ToS and can lead to account termination. Current known way to get banned is if someone screenshots and sends to Riot. (Photoshopped ban appeal op) I did not make any of these programs. Credit goes to Snowl for the LeSs program.
Here is a basic video I made
Here some screenies of what i am talking about: https://postimg.org/image/6c0arfbn7/ https://postimg.org/image/5zsuiseyt/
So let's get started:
If you do not already have LeSs, you can get it from Snowls Github here
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
Scroll down to "Downloads" and go to his binaries"http://da.viddiaz.com/LESs/".
The .zip you need is "http://da.viddiaz.com/LESs/LeagueEnhancementSuite6c.zip" Unzip is and run as admin, as far as troubleshooting if it doesn't open can be a number of things. Most the time it will be your Microsoft Framework or Distributes.
Once opened you will see the Mod checklist on the left which means you're good to go. As per Riot request awhile back, he was forced to remove a few of his mods, but the ones he currently has are mediocre.
Now that we have the tool to patch mods into the client, now we need to get the dopest of the mods. You can get the Fake Stats and a couple otheres from: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cx0wc66cjh74rew/AAAZv_P5dYFJPi8TvdIwpa9Ja?dl=0 .
Here is a couple more mods, i only use the AntiLobbyKick : https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5i42n8c1hj3gw7/MP 2.zip?dl=0
You Do Not Need Every Mod, so just choose the ones you want to download/use.
Once you have all the folders downlaoded, you will put them in YourComputer/LeagueEnhancementSuite6c/Mods ... Or where ever you saved it. Relaunch LeSs and make sure all the mods are appearing. https://postimg.org/image/678jb2w47/
A couple of things to note when selecting mods
The Appear Offline mod is buggy and probably not updated so wouldn't recommend to use. Also using certain mods such as Bots or Aram mods will cause your name to be shifted over to the right in custom games, be cautious and prepared to see that if you use those mods.
How to use LeSs
On the left are the mods, check the ones you want to use. After selecting them, you want to click the "Locate" option. A window will pop up with your Riot Folder, select the LolLauncher.exe . (Not the Admin Version) A new window will pop up saying the versions are different, Hit Yes. Next click the green "Patch" button. Your all Set!
How to use Fake Stat 0.3
This was a bit confusing for me to figure out because i was stoned, so i will include pictures to help.
All the commands are typed into your Public Status bar and you hit enter to send it. https://postimg.org/image/5nx5hh353/
Using Fake Stats changes how others see your ranks and such. it can be seen in norm pregame lobbies, Custom Games show div ranking, and public chats show all.
All commands start with a "/" followed by the command and then followed by the variable. You can only type out 1 at a time.
I will provide all commands you can do (what i personally use) and a brief description of what it is:
/ranked -Displays division rankings if you aren't already ranked (Do this first if it applies)
/level 420 -Changes your level
/tier MASTER -Sets your Division (GOLD, CHALLENGER, SILVER, Ect) **Case Sensitive
/riot -Puts "Riot Games, Inc." after your Division
/rwins 1337 -Changes your ranked wins
/mastery 1337 -Sets your champions mastered
/wins 9999999999999 -Changes your normal wins (max 9's makes it display a large negative number)
/name RiotsRapists -Changes your Divisions League Name. Using /name is tricky, to do it go to your riot games folder and follow this folder patch C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\\deploy\mod\lsi\assets\leagueNames. Now choose your region and language folder. En_Us is English, United states. Edit LeagueNames file with notepad. Make room for your new league name and type what you want. For mine i typed "RiotsRapists=Riot's Rapists".
There are like 2 other commands, but i haven't really messed with/used them.
I'm tired of typing so if you have questions/concerns/weed/problems or w.e, just ask here or through pm. Thanks and Enjoy
Edited by Wellimnew, 03 June 2017 - 04:07 AM.



