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[LEGIT & WORKING] How to make your own money-making machine. (Dropshipping guide)


Digital Ad Innovator
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LEVEL 2 1000 XP
This is kinda simple, yet takes a little time to set up and might cost you few $$ if you want it to work well and stable.
It's nothing ''new'', there are tons of ppl around the internet making thousands monthly just by making these few steps, definitely worth of trying!
Things are really this simple, yet there can be few complications that i'll also explain.
If you are too lazy to spend few hours of setting up all, don't expect make anything from this, and just skip my thread.
Have fun Step 1:Find a product that would sell.
Seems easy, but it could be complicated to find the right item that actually makes big sales.
First items I thought about were these:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/400...earchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ (greedy high school kids that can't afford 150$ go crazy to their daddies and mommies).
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/329...earchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ (look cool, look EXPENSIVE)
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/329...earchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ (let's be honest, who the f*ck doesn't like abs?)
These are just first-thought items, you can do some more research and find that premium item that actually will make you billionare.
Search the internet for popular niches, ideas, whatever (literally, type best niches for 2020 in google).
You're only limited by your imagination!
STEP 2: Set up an Shopify shop.
Sorry, this is the tricky part.
It can be complicated to some of you, so I will just be too lazy to write it all down and share a tutorial from youtube. It was the one I learned of, so I trust you will too.
to save it for later).
It can be long, it can take 1h up to few if you want it very very precise and well done.
Remember, it's the site that makes the customer buy. Not the actual product. The product makes them to CLICK the ad.
And of course, a cheap price makes it even more irresistible.
Like I said before, there are many ways to advertise your shopify page, to make people click the page you were working in for hours.
One thing is clear - It's NOT FREE. I mean, who advertises without taking comission of sale or upfront payment? If you find it, share it with me lol
I would recommend 3 ways of advertising for the first earnings to be done. Then, it's up to you how you grow it up.
Facebook Ads - One of the easiest, cheapest and most effective. It's worldwide, and that's what you aim for - do not give a f*ck who buys, just make them buy.
Twitter/Instagram boosted accounts - It's tricky to use boosted followers on accounts because they can be easly banned. The idea is to get an account boosted to the point it's VIABLE, obviously bots won't buy a sh*t from you, yet it makes people think a page/account is trustful.
Instagram Influencers *my personal choose*- Look for some influencer which profile would be ideal for your product advertise. Simply DM them and ask for advertising ( look for not so popular ppl, under 500k follows, these are unsaturated by other people doing the same) and ask for price, for example 24h post. If it's 50-100$, try asking about 4-6h advertising (should be enough to make your first profit !)
STEP 4: Evolution, upgrade, changes.
After you succefully earning your first $$, time to think.
What could be done better?
What should be changed to give more profits?
The product? Thepage? Is it all fine?
Or maybe change the advertising method?
You have to be the one that decides all. Think of how you can make more profits.
After few weeks, I believe you will have your earnings grow and THAT is what makes you keep learning and growing.
Because you are here for the money, don't you?
PRO TIP: Make your page look like a BRAND, not as a shop online.
Good luck



