Anime Convention Pro
300 XP
Advanced Keywords (Stringing)
In this part we are going to see how we can grab highest quantity with quality in shortest
time possible.
As you guys have learned keyword making via urls in previous chapters and also learned
about Operators and GRS, we are going to use all that knowledge today and get some uhq
stuffs out of this.
So let’s start…….
In this concept we are going to use single worded keys and then string them in process to
get 1 good keyword.
Now thing is we can write all this via hand or we can use automation and directly generate
Follow me bois…..
Below are few examples of single worded keys for shopping:
Now if you going to use these keys it’ll give you database but they aren’t going to be the
quality we need in 2022, so we are going to use our mind and get multiple combinations and
string them to obtain good quality out of it.
The two operators we are going to use this are
If you can recall past parts…..
I know some of you can have issues understanding use of ? so see below.
See when I used ? after word “game”, google found matching terms like gaming, games.
This is exactly what we need in stringing.
Stringing works in the way where wildcards and operators makes random unmatching
keywords matching to results.
Now how it works?
See below.
We gonna string 3 words and make a keyword out of it.
This is the formatting we gonna use for stringing.
You can change position of * and ? and make 3-4 different formatting of keywords out of it.
Which can be:
So your keyword can be like:
Total Results: 3.43M approximately
Total Results: 3.52M approximately
Total Results: 3.88M approximately
Total Results: 3.21M approximately
It’s for you guys to see that number of results varies for every stringed keywording also result varies.
Now let’s go to the part where we have to make our dorks (You know the drill).
In this part we are going to see how we can grab highest quantity with quality in shortest
time possible.
As you guys have learned keyword making via urls in previous chapters and also learned
about Operators and GRS, we are going to use all that knowledge today and get some uhq
stuffs out of this.
So let’s start…….
In this concept we are going to use single worded keys and then string them in process to
get 1 good keyword.
Now thing is we can write all this via hand or we can use automation and directly generate
Follow me bois…..
Below are few examples of single worded keys for shopping:
quality we need in 2022, so we are going to use our mind and get multiple combinations and
string them to obtain good quality out of it.
The two operators we are going to use this are
* and ?
* finds strings with any word between two terms
? matches preceding character 0 or higher times.
See when I used ? after word “game”, google found matching terms like gaming, games.
This is exactly what we need in stringing.
Stringing works in the way where wildcards and operators makes random unmatching
keywords matching to results.
Now how it works?
See below.
We gonna string 3 words and make a keyword out of it.
You can change position of * and ? and make 3-4 different formatting of keywords out of it.
Which can be:
It’s for you guys to see that number of results varies for every stringed keywording also result varies.
Now let’s go to the part where we have to make our dorks (You know the drill).