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[LEAK] In-Depth Tutorial Covering Everything In Capture/Parsing Stage


Profit Automation Specialist
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LEVEL 1 200 XP
Capture, in Sentry MBA, is parsing a value(s) from the source code.
Parsing: analyze (a string or text) into logical syntactic components, typically to test conformability to a logical grammar
What that means, is basically, you can select something between the source by selecting a left and right string.
Field Name: What this is, you can name it anything, so you know what the value you captured, or parsed is.
How To Capture/Parse Manually
For instance, take a look at this picture
Ok so now that we know what Left and Right String are, we can enter them in Sentry. Once you have done that and added a Field Name, click Update then Test Updated Parsing Code.
What Update does is update the names if you changed them, and the Left and Right strings if you changed them. What Test Updated Parsing Code shows the final result and what it will look like next to an account that works.
There is a way around this. Keep reading
How To Parse Automatically
Sentry has a feature that can let you parse something, so you get exactly what you want between the highlighted text. What this does is finds the best and shortest Left and Right Strings so that the Left and Strings are set, so it will only capture that particular item from what you highlighted.
Here is how to do it.
But first read this
What you do is hold shift while highlighting with your cursor the value you want to highlight.
What I suggest you guys doing is holding shift the entire time, and once you are done with highlighting with your cursor the value you want to capture, let go of your cursor button, then let go of shift.
I recommend doing this all the time. Why did I show you the manual way first? Because it is important to understand how the feature works before you go ahead and use it
Characterized by recurrence or repetition, in particular.
What this option does is, captures multiple things which are between the two strings. This is useful if you want to capture all the games or balances.
I recommend in bigger source counts, to do it manually, so you don't get extra info in Final Output.
Adding More Than One Item To Capture
This is simple. Just click Add Field at the top right, and all you have to do is give it a name, and parse another value you want to capture, and you will see all items parsed in the final output.
To go back to the previous Field, click the drop-down near Field Name and select one.
Size Limit
This is basically how big the size of the Right String can be. Hover over it for a bit for a more detailed explanation.
Other Options - Function and Target
What Function does is the Field you captured from, you can assign it from the following categories by looking at this picture
These are the same categories in History on the tabs.
So if you selected credits in Function, and you got hits on accounts that have credits, you can click credits in History on that website and see them all in a neat row!
Pretty neat thing.
So Target does if you assign it to a particular action, like Intermediate action, then it will only capture that value of that Field Name you selected to it and will only capture from the distinct Left and Right strings.
If you select Default, then it will capture from the entire bot process if any of the strings match.
Prefix and Suffix
So what this option allows you to do is, if the account returns something that matches the Left and Right string from the page you want to capture, you can then name something in Prefix or Suffix in words.
Might be hard to understand, but take a look at this picture
A difficult concept to understand, but I may not be explaining properly
That covers everything in Capture KeyWords Stage in detail! If you have feedback please leave some in the comments! Free Tutorial because anyone who wants to learn should not have to pay for the basic knowledge.



