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[League of Legends]Upgrade Your Trinket, Upgrade Your Win Rate !


Fantasy World Explorer
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
How often have you made it to 30 minutes in your game before you remember to upgrade your trinket? How often have you gone the whole game without upgrading your trinket at all? You wouldn’t think that a 250 upgrade could help improve your win rate, but it will. We have the numbers to prove it.
The Trinket System
After being introduced in season 4, trinkets have become a staple for every game on the rift. Thehttp://lolbuilder.net/item/warding-totem-trinket(yellow trinket) made it possible to have vision in lane without early investment in sight wards. Thehttp://lolbuilder.net/item/sweeping-lens-trinket(red trinket) gave players the ability to clear wards without buying a pink ward. Thehttp://lolbuilder.net/item/scrying-orb-trinket(blue trinket) is useful for safely face checking bushes as well as keeping sight on a fleeing enemy champion.
Season 5 brought more diversity to the trinket system by adding upgrades. Upgrades can be made at level 9 and had their cost reduced to 250 from 445 in patch 5.3, making them even more affordable for players.
The current upgrades for the trinkets are:
Because they are free, it’s difficult to measure the value of trinkets. A lot of players (including myself) misuse trinkets and yield ineffective results. Not only are they underused, they are rarely upgraded, and that is the real problem.
''But how much could a small upgrade for my trinket really affect my games?''
Using data from 5 million worldwide ranked games, we conducted a study to determine win rates based on trinkets, and their upgrades. Due to the diversity of the trinket system, we considered each role separately, along with all possible trinket combinations in that role. To keep consistency, we used the trinket the player ended the game with.The results are eye-opening.
Top Lane Sample size 9,675,438
The Warding Totem is the most popular trinket used in top lane with 77.75% (7,522,415) of players ending the game with it. These players hold a 48.55% win rate. There are 11% (1,064,942) of players who upgraded to the Greater Stealth Totem. Their win rate increased to 57.13%. Likewise, there are 3.5% (339,419) of players who upgraded to the Greater Vision Totem. Their win rate increased from 48.55% to 55.08%.
There is data for the other trinkets, but the Warding Totem and it’s upgrades were by far the most favorable for top lane. Out of all the trinkets combined, 82.24% of players did not upgrade their trinkets.
Win Rate (%) Yellow Trinket Lane Sample Size 48.55 Warding Totem Top 7,522,415 55.08 Greater Vision Totem Top 339,419 57.13 Greater Stealth Totem Top 1,064,942 Win Rate (%) Red Trinket Lane Sample Size 55.23 Sweeping Lens Top 409,086 59.48 Oracles Lens Top 252,748 Win Rate (%) Blue Trinket Lane Sample Size 55.47 Scrying Orb Top 49,508 59.33 Farsight Orb Top 37,320
ungle Sample Size 10,098,950
Junglers also favored the Warding Trinket, with 60% (6,091,170) of players ending the game with it. The win rate for these players was 48.17%. There were 3% (305,206) of junglers that upgraded their trinkets to a Greater Vision Totem, increasing the win rate to 58.51%. The Greater Stealth Totem was the more popular upgrade with 6.5% (656,786) of players ending with it. This increased the win rate to 54.81%. Sweeping Lens was less popular with 20.5% (2,068,299) of players choosing it. The upgrade to Oracles Lens yielded the highest jungle win rate at 60.08%. Only 8.9% (895,917) players profited from this upgrade. In all, there were 81.25% of junglers who did not upgrade their trinkets.
Win Rate (%) Yellow Trinket Lane Sample Size 48.17 Warding Totem Jungle 6,091,170 58.51 Greater Vision Totem Jungle 305,206 54.81 Greater Stealth Totem Jungle 656,786 Win Rate (%) Red Trinket Lane Sample Size 50.89 Sweeping Lens Jungle 2,068,299 60.08 Oracles Lens Jungle 895,917 Win Rate (%) Blue Trinket Lane Sample Size 49.7 Scrying Orb Jungle 46,122 58.53 Farsight Orb Jungle 35,450 Mid Lane Sample Size 9,393,714
Players in the mid lane heavily favored the Warding Totem, with 90% (6,945,697) ending with it. The win rate was 48.53%. The Greater Stealth Totem was the preferred upgrade with 10.4% (975,988) of players increasing their win rate to 56.71% by upgrading. The 3.33% (312,875) of players that upgraded to the Greater Vision Totem gained the biggest increase in win rate to 58.3%. The best mid lane upgrade was the Oracles Lens with a 61.71% win rate, followed closely by the Farsight Orb at 60%. Combined, these upgrades included only 4.11% (386,383) of the mid lane sample size. There were 82.16% (7,718,468) of players who missed out on increased win rates by not upgrading their trinkets.
Win Rate (%) Yellow Trinket Lane Sample Size 48.53 Warding Totem Mid 6,945,697 58.3 Greater Vision Totem Mid 312,875 56.71 Greater Stealth Totem Mid 975,988 Win Rate (%) Red Trinket Lane Sample Size 55.4 Sweeping Lens Mid 652,130 61.71 Oracles Lens Mid 301,223 Win Rate (%) Blue Trinket Lane Sample Size 52.32 Scrying Orb Mid 120,641 60 Farsight Orb Mid 85,160 Marksman Sample Size 9,091,417
Marksmen had the worst upgrade percentage with 86.1% of players not upgrading any trinkets. At 67.7% (6,154,433), the majority of marksmen opted to stick with the Warding Totem, having a win rate of 48.27%. The 4.2% of players that upgraded to the Greater Stealth Totem increased the win rate to 55.17%, while the 2.3% (210,004) that upgraded to the Greater Vision Totem saw an increase to 57.15%. Scrying Orb was the second most popular trinket being carried by 17.7% (1,607,124) of marksmen. By choosing the Scrying Orb over the Warding Totem, marksmen increased their win rate by 6.65% to 54.92%. Marksmen who upgraded to the Farsight Orb had the best win rate at 61.68%. Only 6.7% (605,919) of players took advantage of the upgrade.
Win Rate (%) Yellow Trinket Lane Sample Size 48.27 Warding Totem Marksman 6,154,433 57.15 Greater Vision Totem Marksman 210,004 55.17 Greater Stealth Totem Marksman 386,063 Win Rate (%) Red Trinket Lane Sample Size 55.4 Sweeping Lens Marksman 64,936 61.71 Oracles Lens Marksman 62,938 Win Rate (%) Blue Trinket Lane Sample Size 52.32 Scrying Orb Marksman 1,607,124 60 Farsight Orb Marksman 605,919 Support Sample Size 8,928,966
Unlike other roles, support found favor in the Sweeping Lens. There were 43.24% (3,861,070) of supports that ended with the Sweeping Lens. Their win rate was 50.59%. Warding Totem followed being included in 32.5% (2,901,952) of ending support builds. The win rate with the warding totem was 47.65%. Both the Greater Vision Totem and the Greater Stealth Totem saw an increase in win rate to 57.68%, and 55.77%. The 19.8% (1,766,206) of supports who upgraded to the Oracles Lens received the highest win rate at 59.44%. Support also had the best total upgrade percentage having only 76% of players not upgrading at all.
Win Rate (%) Yellow Trinket Lane Sample Size 47.65 Warding Totem Support 2,901,952 57.68 Greater Vision Totem Support 208,167 55.77 Greater Stealth Totem Support 143,134 Win Rate (%) Red Trinket Lane Sample Size 50.59 Sweeping Lens Support 3,861,070 59.44 Oracles Lens Support 1,766,206 Win Rate (%) Blue Trinket Lane Sample Size 48.1 Scrying Orb Support 29,049 55.22 Farsight Orb Support 19,388 Overall
Numbers don’t lie. There was a consistent and significant increase in win rates throughout each role with trinket upgrades, regardless of the trinket chosen. It was surprising to see the amount of players that don’t upgrade their trinkets. Out of 47,188,485 players analyzed in our study, 81.6% (38,523,632) didn’t upgrade their trinket. With the spike in win rates from upgrading, it would be foolish not to. A lot of players are trying to improve their rank and a 250
trinket upgrade proves to be an asset along the way. Don’t try to improve by breaking the meta, improve by playing the way it was meant to be played, and upgrade those trinkets.
Note. Data was taken from ranked games, and does not include players who ended the game below level nine. It also does not include players who failed to obtain a trinket at all.
Edited by KidiObit, 05 October 2015 - 05:54 AM.



