Blockchain Ecosystem Builder
400 XP
HELLO PEOPLE HERE TODAY BRINGING YOU THE ULTIMATE NAME UNLOCKER FOR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS! IT ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE EVERY SINGLE NAME YOU WANT (Except for a name that includes the word "Riot" in it or a name that has already been chosen) Instructions: -Copy ALL the .swf files to the following Directory: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\0.0. 1.118\deploy\assets\locale\App and replace the existing ones. Its recommended to make a backup! -(your version may be different than mine) -see more instructions in the "Regions explained.txt" file inside "All" -PROOF AND FILES BELOW! __Credits: Diablo_ (NOT FROM THIS FORUM) PROOF:
Edited by bmx1234567, 31 July 2015 - 05:01 PM.
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