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[League Of Legends] Cracking Tutorial for Beginners. (Scraping and creating combolist method)


Crypto Arbitrageur
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
OCEBOLhere to give you my guide for beginning crackers, specifically League of Legends. If you are brand new or bad with computers just go search Lolcracker and save your time reading this.
Many of you may know me from my dumps of League of Legends accounts. I've received many PMs asking how I crack such high quality and high elo accounts so rather than replying to everyone individually I'm making this guide to help you all. Please note this is a guide for any computer literate and intelligent person. You don't have to be a l33t c0d3r genius, but if you're a complete pleb please just download and use LoLCracker and enjoy your level 1 accounts Competant people will be able to find these programs on this site using the searchbox. Remember to upvote them for their efforts cracking these tools.
Explanation of Cracking for Beginners: Bruteforce & SQLi
Two common methods of Cracking are bruteforce, and SQLi. Bruteforcing involves knowing the username, and useing brute force to guess the password by trying multiple passwords until you get it. Bruteforcing is the strategy I will be teaching you. SQLi involves hacking into various databases around the world and extracting the usernames and passwords from those databases, you then check those username and password combinations against League of Legends. SQLi is considered the better and more advanced method as it doesn't require the person to have a 'simple' or 'easy' password and will result in better quality accounts found.
To bruteforce we need to know the usernames. You can use WZScraper to scrape a bunch of Usernames from your desired server.
As you can see I've scraped 1000 usernames in only 20 seconds. I suggest you scrape around 100,000 usernames.
Once you have your desired number of usernames you can create a combolist by checking the appropriate box and pressing export.
Export only usernames: - useful if you're trying to make a big username list
Export user:user[numbers(12345)] - great to get a high number of accounts, but most will be low level or low quality accounts. These are the kind of accounts you find with lolcracker.
Export user:pass (passlist) - this is the best method to find quality accounts. Create a .txt file and put in all the passwords you want to try. If you want to try a customized version of user:user you can use the code %USER% as the password for WZScraper. More on this below
Export user:pass (user:user) this is exactly lolcracker. It is often a waste of time, unless you have altered the case of the username. More on this below.
Creating a decent passlist - Cracking is essentially guessing the password. To create a good pass list you have to think of a password that is common enough that it will likely be used by one or more of the 100K users whose names you have scraped.
Common Password and ideas to get you started are (using these are OCE BOL guaranteed to give you hits)
If you scraped 100k users then this makes a 800k combolist.
Run that combolist in SentryMBA or Lolcracker (if you're a pleb) and await your juicey results. For info on how to run the combo list please refer to the threads you got the tools from!
FYI - now that you know how to make combolists, try your own passwords (note passwords are CASE SENSITIVE) so you can try any of mine with all caps, beginning caps and get more results, or make up your own!
Disclaimer: OCE BOL guaranteedmeans if you do not get hits, you get your money back! So since you haven't paid for this, you'll be getting nothing



