Chuckles Champion
400 XP
Current Features:
Camera Displacement - Moves the camera further away from the game world, similar to Zooming.
Camera rotation - Rotate the camera freely
Field of View - Change Field of View, effectively seeing more
Third Person View - Camera will follow character like a third person game, beta Replay support.
Fly Camera - Fly the camera using the numpad controls
Shouldn't break on patches. In the case it does I'll update it.
Mouse Rotation
Lets you rotate the camera by holding down middle click or LCtrl and moving the mouse.
Third Person
Normal Games only, Beta support for replays. To use in replays check replay, click diagnostics then start your replay, you can change characters using the changeID option. Buggy right now and might not fetch the full champ list but it's working.
Fly Camera
Left Click(Hold) - Change Direction
NumPad8 - Move Forward
NumPad5 - Move Backward
NumPad7 - Turn Right
NumPad9 - Turn Left
NumPad4 - Strafe Left
NumPad6 - Strafe Right
NumPad1 - Pitch Down
NumPad3 - Pitch Up
Camera Displacement - Moves the camera further away from the game world, similar to Zooming.
Camera rotation - Rotate the camera freely
Field of View - Change Field of View, effectively seeing more
Third Person View - Camera will follow character like a third person game, beta Replay support.
Fly Camera - Fly the camera using the numpad controls
Shouldn't break on patches. In the case it does I'll update it.
Mouse Rotation
Lets you rotate the camera by holding down middle click or LCtrl and moving the mouse.
Third Person
Normal Games only, Beta support for replays. To use in replays check replay, click diagnostics then start your replay, you can change characters using the changeID option. Buggy right now and might not fetch the full champ list but it's working.
Fly Camera
Left Click(Hold) - Change Direction
NumPad8 - Move Forward
NumPad5 - Move Backward
NumPad7 - Turn Right
NumPad9 - Turn Left
NumPad4 - Strafe Left
NumPad6 - Strafe Right
NumPad1 - Pitch Down
NumPad3 - Pitch Up
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