Adventure Seeker
200 XP
RIP. Patched.
Kha'zix Exploit!
(Infinite E like Teleport (But, No Channeling, No select minion or tower, No 300s Cooldown.))
Works if you have evolved E.
10% Working - if you not get Evolved E.
90% Working - if you get Evolved E.
How to use?
Well, Evolve E first. (if not, it will failed 90%).
Move cursor on E skill icon. Check maximum range.
Move cursor to you want to move direction. (but, if you want to higher successful rate, Move cursor on 90% of maximum E range.)
Press Jump Key! (Default: T)
Link of Assembly
Best Usage Video (Credit: Me)
- Credits -
Fret - I don't know him. but he seems original kha'zix exploit scripter. (His name on Lua source code)
- Post exploit script on Nulled.io -
MrXBOX52 - Give me edited version of Kha'zix exploit Lua source code.
and.. Me - Ported to L#
I won't post Lua version of it, if you really want Lua version of it. Contact To MrXBOX52
If you love it, +Rep Please
Kha'zix Exploit!
(Infinite E like Teleport (But, No Channeling, No select minion or tower, No 300s Cooldown.))
Works if you have evolved E.
10% Working - if you not get Evolved E.
90% Working - if you get Evolved E.
How to use?
Well, Evolve E first. (if not, it will failed 90%).
Move cursor on E skill icon. Check maximum range.
Move cursor to you want to move direction. (but, if you want to higher successful rate, Move cursor on 90% of maximum E range.)
Press Jump Key! (Default: T)
Link of Assembly
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Fret - I don't know him. but he seems original kha'zix exploit scripter. (His name on Lua source code)
- Post exploit script on Nulled.io -
MrXBOX52 - Give me edited version of Kha'zix exploit Lua source code.
and.. Me - Ported to L#
I won't post Lua version of it, if you really want Lua version of it. Contact To MrXBOX52
If you love it, +Rep Please