Platform Monetization Strategist
400 XP
Cut your broccoli and put it into a pan with butter salt and salt
Cook it to your liking
When done put it in a bowl
Prepare scrambled eggs like in this video:
Pour the slimy scrambled eggs into the bowl and mix
For more TESTOSTERONE add cheese that mix well
Scientifically proved recipe to increase TESTOSTERONE and decrease OESTROGENE if you consume it regurlaly
By eating 500g of raw broccoli for one month the amount of oestrogene had decreased in the patients, study says
By eating more saturated fats and cholesterol the amount of testosterone had increased in the patients, study says
And it's tasty asf
If you aren't a keto: put chips in it
Cook it to your liking
When done put it in a bowl
Prepare scrambled eggs like in this video:
For more TESTOSTERONE add cheese that mix well
Scientifically proved recipe to increase TESTOSTERONE and decrease OESTROGENE if you consume it regurlaly
By eating 500g of raw broccoli for one month the amount of oestrogene had decreased in the patients, study says
By eating more saturated fats and cholesterol the amount of testosterone had increased in the patients, study says
And it's tasty asf
If you aren't a keto: put chips in it