Upsell Wizard
1000 XP
Hello it's Kai'Sa guide by me (800 games as and adc this season rank challenger)
Ok let's head to the pregame preparation
After fleet nerfs there's really only one keystone to choose.
There are two runesets that I run:
This one is for easy matchups like u play vs no aggresive botlane like taric varus etc. Play it when u are sure that u won't receive much poke
(don't play it vs lucian caitlyn draven lulu etc.)
And the second runeset that i recommend if u are playing vs aggro botlanes like draven lucian etc.
Ok so as I mentioned before there are two runesets so there are two early game playstyles
If u are running first runepage u should go dorans ring and 2 health potions .
Maybe u are wondering why doran ring? Let me tell you.
Doran gives you health mana regen more dmg on basic vs minions and AP. Almost every kaisas ability has AP ratio. Its really worth to go this starter especially cause of having 2 potions instead of just one.
If u are running second runepage u should go dorans shield and 1 health potion.
It is a great starter versus high poke champions. Dorans gives you health, lowers enemy's basic attack damage and heals part of lost hp. Combining it with second wind restores great amount of health after every trade.
Ok so both starters lanings arent that much different.
- harass enemy with AA as frequently as possible
- using W is pretty worth as it has high early game dmg (and late which I'll tell you later about)
- keep ur E for ganks either by your jungler or enemy, it gives mvment speed to escape or ingage and attack speed which can help you to stack ur passive faster
- u can spam Q as much as u want with dorans ring starter it gives u more dmg on trades and u can even lasthit easier with it bcs lower the minion hp is, more it deals, i prefer to last hit 3 first minions with just Q
There is no difference in build, doesnt matter which starter u go.
Thanks to site we got that beautiful item graph which i will describe
Ok so as I mentioned before there are two starters but above only one is mentioned. Its because it shows most winrate starter, but dont trust in it. Its like that mostly because people dont know which starter to choose vs this exact matchup they are playing. I call it "going recommended" (as it is recommended item in shop)
Core items.
Core items are always the same except boots.
Boots of course its your decision cause every match up is different. I prefer going berserkers in most situations but sometimes like playing vs draven tabis are must!
First item should be guinsoo as its still broken and even more broken with kaisa. In a defensive starter with shield, buying guinsoo automatically changes our playstyle on botlane. We can go more aggresive as theres not many champions that can win vs kai'sa after guinsoo built.
Next item nashor. Works great, cooldowns are very usefull especially with our W which deals much damage especially when procing passive. Also atkspeed is cool combined with guinso makes it much easier to proc 5th stack very fast.
Forth item:
- if enemy assasin is fed or any other ad shit we should go zhonya
- if we are above and are already crushing the game go rabadon
Fifth item:
Depends what u bought as a forth item. Bought zhonya- go rabadon and vice versa.
I dont really consider buing GA now but if u are ahead and dying in teamfight fast even with zhonyas it can be great alternative if ur zhonyas is on cooldown or smth
Sixth item:
If enemy team is tanky AF buy voidstaff. Great counter for kai'sa is adaptive helm as its blocking more dmg from same source so kaisas passive starts to deal low damage. Consider buying void staff when enemy are buying that item(or stacking other resists of course)
U can go QSS but i wouldnt recommend it as its useless cause of kaisas high mobility in teamfights.
Consider buying banshess veil as a 4/5th item. It can really help when u play vs high AP enemies.
After Q nerfs and recent changes its not worth to max it.
U should max this way:
And evolve this way:
U can evolve E just after getting berserkers, guinsoo and stinger.
E and W evolved while having berserkers,guinsoo and nashor.
Ok let's head to the pregame preparation
After fleet nerfs there's really only one keystone to choose.
There are two runesets that I run:
This one is for easy matchups like u play vs no aggresive botlane like taric varus etc. Play it when u are sure that u won't receive much poke
(don't play it vs lucian caitlyn draven lulu etc.)
And the second runeset that i recommend if u are playing vs aggro botlanes like draven lucian etc.
Ok so as I mentioned before there are two runesets so there are two early game playstyles
If u are running first runepage u should go dorans ring and 2 health potions .
Maybe u are wondering why doran ring? Let me tell you.
Doran gives you health mana regen more dmg on basic vs minions and AP. Almost every kaisas ability has AP ratio. Its really worth to go this starter especially cause of having 2 potions instead of just one.
If u are running second runepage u should go dorans shield and 1 health potion.
It is a great starter versus high poke champions. Dorans gives you health, lowers enemy's basic attack damage and heals part of lost hp. Combining it with second wind restores great amount of health after every trade.
Ok so both starters lanings arent that much different.
- harass enemy with AA as frequently as possible
- using W is pretty worth as it has high early game dmg (and late which I'll tell you later about)
- keep ur E for ganks either by your jungler or enemy, it gives mvment speed to escape or ingage and attack speed which can help you to stack ur passive faster
- u can spam Q as much as u want with dorans ring starter it gives u more dmg on trades and u can even lasthit easier with it bcs lower the minion hp is, more it deals, i prefer to last hit 3 first minions with just Q
There is no difference in build, doesnt matter which starter u go.
Thanks to site we got that beautiful item graph which i will describe
Ok so as I mentioned before there are two starters but above only one is mentioned. Its because it shows most winrate starter, but dont trust in it. Its like that mostly because people dont know which starter to choose vs this exact matchup they are playing. I call it "going recommended" (as it is recommended item in shop)
Core items.
Core items are always the same except boots.
Boots of course its your decision cause every match up is different. I prefer going berserkers in most situations but sometimes like playing vs draven tabis are must!
First item should be guinsoo as its still broken and even more broken with kaisa. In a defensive starter with shield, buying guinsoo automatically changes our playstyle on botlane. We can go more aggresive as theres not many champions that can win vs kai'sa after guinsoo built.
Next item nashor. Works great, cooldowns are very usefull especially with our W which deals much damage especially when procing passive. Also atkspeed is cool combined with guinso makes it much easier to proc 5th stack very fast.
Forth item:
- if enemy assasin is fed or any other ad shit we should go zhonya
- if we are above and are already crushing the game go rabadon
Fifth item:
Depends what u bought as a forth item. Bought zhonya- go rabadon and vice versa.
I dont really consider buing GA now but if u are ahead and dying in teamfight fast even with zhonyas it can be great alternative if ur zhonyas is on cooldown or smth
Sixth item:
If enemy team is tanky AF buy voidstaff. Great counter for kai'sa is adaptive helm as its blocking more dmg from same source so kaisas passive starts to deal low damage. Consider buying void staff when enemy are buying that item(or stacking other resists of course)
U can go QSS but i wouldnt recommend it as its useless cause of kaisas high mobility in teamfights.
Consider buying banshess veil as a 4/5th item. It can really help when u play vs high AP enemies.
After Q nerfs and recent changes its not worth to max it.
U should max this way:
And evolve this way:
U can evolve E just after getting berserkers, guinsoo and stinger.
E and W evolved while having berserkers,guinsoo and nashor.