preston wade
Speedrun Champion
700 XP
Master Yi Build |
Core -|
Start -|
Early -|
Late Game -|
Situtional Items For Jungling Item -|
Final Set -|
Ability Sequence | |
Masteries - |
Runes - |
Pros / Cons of champion
+ Probably the strongest 1vs1 champion late game.
+ Easy Penta and Quadra kills
+ Strong farmer
+ Refreshable abilities
+ High base movement speed
- Weak in ganking due to lack of crowd controls
- Highly vulnerable to stuns
- Weak in early game encounters
Pros / Cons of the built in depth
This built is highly dependent on your runes and masteries since you don't have any boots. So please buy the aforementioned runes and set the same masteries to make up that movement speed. there will be no single feature of an item that can be useless for you. so basically you use all your money in the most efficient way (no waste). And this makes you much stronger since you are replacing the boots with another strong item.
+ highest output damage (almost 1300 per each basic attack in full set): due to 100% critical chance, your damage out put is crazy. Imaging in late game your attack speed is 2 while R is active, so basically in 2 seconds you will make 4 hits, each hit 1300 so in total 5200 damage dealt. for each hit you gain almost 40% of the damage dealt as life steal. so you get 2080 heath back in 2 seconds which is almost your whole bar of health.
Math calculation: 111 (basic damage) + [70 (reaver) + 75 (Death's Dance) + 70 (Infinity Edge) + 75 (Ravenous Hydra) + 30 (Elixir of Wrath)]*1.1(wuju style passive) = 463
Now adding fully stacked bounty hunter (+5% damage) and double edged sword (+3% damage) amplify your damage to 500. At this point your basic attacks make 1250 due to crits. However, for champions below 40% health, the output will be 1300
Having a Barron buff and elder dragon can make this even higher.
+ sufficient movement speed without boots: you don't need to be worry for movement speed since this build will provide you 415 flat movement speed in the game without boots, your, dragon buff or taking the phantom dancer's passive into account. It all comes from runes, masteries, other items, and basic movement speed. It can be more intensify when you get the third dragon buff. Plus due to 40% reduction your R will be ready every 45 second and for chasing the enemy. Even without R your speed will be enough fast by phantom dancer passive (480).
+ highest cool down reduction: this can enable you to get most out of your Q and R which are your essential abilities.
+ huge amount of AOE damage: because of your Q in team fight you make a output damage of 3200 (800 total damage of Q in late game and up to 4 enemy). In addition, due to stattik shiv your first basic attack in team can make additional 1250 damage (100*2.5*5). At the end, makes so much AOE damage in team fights that no one will get close to u.
Core -|
Start -|
Early -|
Late Game -|
Situtional Items For Jungling Item -|
Final Set -|
Ability Sequence | |
Masteries - |
Runes - |
Pros / Cons of champion
+ Probably the strongest 1vs1 champion late game.
+ Easy Penta and Quadra kills
+ Strong farmer
+ Refreshable abilities
+ High base movement speed
- Weak in ganking due to lack of crowd controls
- Highly vulnerable to stuns
- Weak in early game encounters
Pros / Cons of the built in depth
This built is highly dependent on your runes and masteries since you don't have any boots. So please buy the aforementioned runes and set the same masteries to make up that movement speed. there will be no single feature of an item that can be useless for you. so basically you use all your money in the most efficient way (no waste). And this makes you much stronger since you are replacing the boots with another strong item.
+ highest output damage (almost 1300 per each basic attack in full set): due to 100% critical chance, your damage out put is crazy. Imaging in late game your attack speed is 2 while R is active, so basically in 2 seconds you will make 4 hits, each hit 1300 so in total 5200 damage dealt. for each hit you gain almost 40% of the damage dealt as life steal. so you get 2080 heath back in 2 seconds which is almost your whole bar of health.
Math calculation: 111 (basic damage) + [70 (reaver) + 75 (Death's Dance) + 70 (Infinity Edge) + 75 (Ravenous Hydra) + 30 (Elixir of Wrath)]*1.1(wuju style passive) = 463
Now adding fully stacked bounty hunter (+5% damage) and double edged sword (+3% damage) amplify your damage to 500. At this point your basic attacks make 1250 due to crits. However, for champions below 40% health, the output will be 1300
Having a Barron buff and elder dragon can make this even higher.
+ sufficient movement speed without boots: you don't need to be worry for movement speed since this build will provide you 415 flat movement speed in the game without boots, your, dragon buff or taking the phantom dancer's passive into account. It all comes from runes, masteries, other items, and basic movement speed. It can be more intensify when you get the third dragon buff. Plus due to 40% reduction your R will be ready every 45 second and for chasing the enemy. Even without R your speed will be enough fast by phantom dancer passive (480).
+ highest cool down reduction: this can enable you to get most out of your Q and R which are your essential abilities.
+ huge amount of AOE damage: because of your Q in team fight you make a output damage of 3200 (800 total damage of Q in late game and up to 4 enemy). In addition, due to stattik shiv your first basic attack in team can make additional 1250 damage (100*2.5*5). At the end, makes so much AOE damage in team fights that no one will get close to u.