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IT & Software Algorithms part 1 (2013)


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[Review - Optional] (8 min).mp4 (7.72 MB)
011 3 - 1 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions I (13 min).mp4 (12.85 MB)
012 3 - 2 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions II (17 min).mp4 (17.19 MB)
013 3 - 3 - Strassens Subcubic Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (22 min).mp4 (23.57 MB)
014 3 - 4 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair I [Advanced - Optional] (32 min).mp4 (36.22 MB)
015 3 - 5 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair II [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).mp4 (20.14 MB)
016 4 - 1 - Motivation (8 min).mp4 (8.25 MB)
017 4 - 2 - Formal Statement (10 min).mp4 (10.42 MB)
018 4 - 3 - Examples (13 min).mp4 (14.4 MB)
019 4 - 4 - Proof I (10 min).mp4 (11.46 MB)
020 4 - 5 - Interpretation of the 3 Cases (11 min).mp4 (13.11 MB)
021 4 - 6 - Proof II (16 min).mp4 (16.6 MB)
022 5 - 1 - Quicksort Overview (12 min).mp4 (12.19 MB)
023 5 - 2 - Partitioning Around a Pivot (25 min).mp4 (24.84 MB)
024 5 - 3 - Correctness of Quicksort [Review - Optional] (11 min).mp4 (11.82 MB)
025 5 - 4 - Choosing a Good Pivot (22min).mp4 (21.74 MB)
026 6 - 1 - Analysis I A Decomposition Principle [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).mp4 (21.65 MB)
027 6 - 2 - Analysis II The Key Insight [Advanced - Optional] (12min).mp4 (11.98 MB)
028 6 - 3 - Analysis III Final Calculations [Advanced - Optional] (9min).mp4 (8.92 MB)
029 7 - 1 - Part I [Review - Optional] (25 min).mp4 (25.42 MB)
030 7 - 2 - Part II [Review - Optional] (17 min).mp4 (17.26 MB)
031 8 - 1 - Randomized Selection - Algorithm (22 min).mp4 (21.4 MB)
032 8 - 2 - Randomized Selection - Analysis (21 min).mp4 (20.62 MB)
033 8 - 3 - Deterministic Selection - Algorithm [Advanced - Optional] (17 min).mp4 (17.55 MB)
034 8 - 4 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis I [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).mp4 (22.82 MB)
035 8 - 5 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis II [Advanced - Optional] (13 min).mp4 (12.83 MB)
036 8 - 6 - Omega(n log n) Lower Bound for Comparison-Based Sorting [Advanced - Optional] (13 min).mp4 (13.68 MB)
037 9 - 1 - Graphs and Minimum Cuts (16 min).mp4 (15.21 MB)
038 9 - 2 - Graph Representations (14 min).mp4 (15.69 MB)
039 9 - 3 - Random Contraction Algorithm (9 min).mp4 (8.28 MB)
040 9 - 4 - Analysis of Contraction Algorithm (30 min).mp4 (29.87 MB)
041 9 - 5 - Counting Minimum Cuts (7 min).mp4 (7.41 MB)
042 10 - 1 - Graph Search - Overview (23 min).mp4 (23.25 MB)
043 10 - 2 - Breadth-First Search (BFS) The Basics (14 min).mp4 (14.28 MB)
044 10 - 3 - BFS and Shortest Paths (8 min).mp4 (7.9 MB)
045 10 - 4 - BFS and Undirected Connectivity (13 min).mp4 (13.7 MB)
046 10 - 5 - Depth-First Search (DFS) The Basics (7 min).mp4 (7.16 MB)
047 10 - 6 - Topological Sort (22 min).mp4 (22.08 MB)
048 10 - 7 - Computing Strong Components The Algorithm (29 min).mp4 (29.5 MB)
049 10 - 8 - Computing Strong Components The Analysis (26 min).mp4 (26.77 MB)
050 10 - 9 - Structure of the Web [Optional] (19 min).mp4 (18.63 MB)
051 11 - 1 - Dijkstras Shortest-Path Algorithm (21 min).mp4 (20.96 MB)
052 11 - 2 - Dijkstras Algorithm Examples (13 min).mp4 (12.88 MB)
053 11 - 3 - Correctness of Dijkstras Algorithm [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).mp4 (20.31 MB)
054 11 - 4 - Dijkstras Algorithm Implementation and Running Time (26 min).mp4 (26.46 MB)
055 12 - 1 - Data Structures Overview (5 min).mp4 (4.66 MB)
056 12 - 2 - Heaps Operations and Applications (18 min).mp4 (18.62 MB)
057 12 - 3 - Heaps Implementation Details [Advanced - Optional] (21 min).mp4 (20.92 MB)
058 16 - 1 - Balanced Search Trees Operations and Applications (11 min).mp4 (10.99 MB)
059 16 - 2 - Binary Search Tree Basics Part I (13 min).mp4 (13.28 MB)
060 16 - 3 - Binary Search Tree Basics Part II (30 min).mp4 (29.97 MB)
061 16 - 4 - Red-Black Trees (21 min).mp4 (21.83 MB)
062 16 - 5 - Rotations [Advanced - Optional] (8 min).mp4 (10.32 MB)
063 16 - 6 - Insertion in a Red-Black Tree [Advanced] (15 min).mp4 (20.78 MB)
064 13 - 1 - Hash Tables Operations and Applications (19 min).mp4 (19.73 MB)
065 13 - 2 - Hash Tables Implementation Details Part I (19 min).mp4 (19.88 MB)
066 13 - 3 - Hash Tables Implementation Details Part II (22 min).mp4 (22.53 MB)
067 14 - 1 - Pathological Data Sets and Universal Hashing Motivation (22 min).mp4 (22.49 MB)
068 14 - 2 - Universal Hashing Definition and Example [Advanced - Optional] (26 min).mp4 (26.15 MB)
069 14 - 3 - Universal Hashing Analysis of Chaining [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).mp4 (18.46 MB)
070 14 - 4 - Hash Table Performance with Open Addressing [Advanced - Optional] (16 min).mp4 (15.6 MB)
071 15 - 1 - Bloom Filters The Basics (16 min).mp4 (15.43 MB)
072 15 - 2 - Bloom Filters Heuristic Analysis (13 min).mp4 (13.57 MB)]
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