Web3 Innovator
400 XP
So today I was playing on my new account which is lv11, and I noticed this hyper good korean Viktor. Here some things I can say about: He lands every E (laser) and somehow he for the most of the time manages to hit both of the hits first and second one He lands his W properly and uses his Q hyper well and spam it, like, he knows exactly how to do his combo and fast asfuck His ulti, is way too good, this guy is fking insane Miss orders, sometimes, he's focusing player X than uses his ulti on player Y which has something like half health while player X has no health Here's a video of the kills he made:
I mean just come on, this guy uses his E like a pro So what do you think? he's good? or scripting? I'm plat 1 actually and was smurfing using the LB, at some point I just gave up and stopped trying to play.