Crypto Market Forecaster
300 XP
Hello, I have started trying to crack accounts a couple of days ago and I would like to resolve a question. To start, I have not cracked an account in my life and I would like to learn, for this I used the guide that created the user "OmniKing" ( that I think is very well explained and has proved to be very useful. Everything goes well until you get to the part of using the "Sentry MBA" to start testing the combos. I encounter the problem that, if I use the snapshot "lq" is extremely slow and if I use the snapshot "lqak" goes much faster, but the proxies are banned at the moment. My question is: Is it normal that using this method is so slow? Many accounts remain "In Progress ...". Can someone help me set up the Sentry MBA to improve its efficiency? Is there a faster way to get accounts? "I do not think in 15 minutes they only have" Fake: 3 ". Thank you very much, guys. P.S.: I am aware that the cracking process can become very slow. P.S. 2: I have a 4-core processor at 3Ghz and 8GB of RAM, so I do not think it's the fault of the computer.