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Intro To Design | A Beginner's Guide To The World Of Design.


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Hello, my name is Ahmed or better known as AhmedKun I've been a freelance graphic designer for over 2 years now over that time I've learned many skills and tips related to design so today I've put together a small guide to help out anyone is interested in getting into the hobby or career as a graphic designer.
Step 1. What kind of art do I want to make?
There are many types of art you can make and mastering one is a good place to start listed below are some of the most commonly used art used.
2D Graphics (posters, wallpapers, general flat design category.)
3D Modeling (building models of buildings, cars, or items. )
Photomanipulating (taking multiple stocks and mixing them together often to create scenes)
Illustrating (using the pentool normally in illustrator to create characters or logos)
Digital Painting (using photoshop to paint as if they were using a canvas)
Web Designing (coding up web designs/creates concepts in photoshop)
Photo Editing (Editing photos such as touching up faces added in item that previously wasn't there )
Step 2. How do start when I've decided what type of art I want to start making?
Once you've decided an artfourm that you would like to get invested in the best thing to do is to get inspiration from others designs and watch tutorials this way you can learn the basics once you have a good understanding on how to work photoshop , illustrator and after effects (depending on what art your trying to make) try to forum your own style if you want to get noticed its going to be hard when you have no individuality you wont make it far copping others work
Step 1. The Duplicator
While duplicating others work isnt the best thing to do in the graphic community it is the fastest way to learn new concepts such as different designs and styles.
Step 2. The Assistance
Now this step is when an artist gets outside help / opinions on your art. This is where you start a design in the style you wish (make it as original as you can) then when you make a change to the image message one of the advisers (ask them first if they will advise you on the piece) screenshot it via Gyazo or LightShot (any other screencap programs) and send them various updates and get their real time responses and advice on weather to change or not to change what you sent them. But dont get your helper to just hold your hand all the way through the design it defeats the whole purpose and you'll never get better.
Step 3. The Solo Designer
Once you've gotten a hang of things from the past two steps and you feel comfortable its now time design completely on your own with no outside help ( it's just you and your creativity ) if are having trouble go back to ether step 1 or 2.
Feedback is a great tool to any artist looking to get better note there are two types of feedback 1. Actual constructive criticism from other artists and 2. The spam 10/10 this is amazing posts ignore the second one as it has no real constructive valve you help you get better.
Photoshop is a graphics artist most used tool used for basically anything you need done besides effectively designing logos / and drawing (see below)
Illustrator is the best tool for anyone looking to design shapes, logos or pentool drawing it offers much more features for these types of art such as upscaling without losing quality.
After Effects
One of the best tools for anything related to motion graphics this can include 2d animated designs or video editing.
List of sites that are very beneficial to any graphic designer.



