Organic Growth Wizard
900 XP
Level from 85-90 in 5 Min.
Just turn off Auto Loot and don't loot the item
This exploit is rather simple. Works best in the early mornings when there is no competition.
Firstly, go to the spawn location of a treasure that you want to farm. If you are leveling 85-90, I recommend farming a treasure found in zones after Jade Forest, as these now grant double the experience they used to (40k base exp up from 20k exp, and 80k rested).
Click to loot the treasure, but just as the loot cast is between halfway and three quarters done, move your character. This "cancels" the cast. (EDIT: Just turn off Auto Loot and don't loot the item). You will get the experience, but the item will not be looted. Use the premade finder (Cross Realm Assist addon helps with this) to join a group on another realm. If the treasure is up there as well, do the same thing, and you will get exp again. You will not get exp for the same treasure on the same realm twice. It seems the exp gain is only locked to the realm and not the character.
Once you run out of new groups or realms, just switch to another treasure. This also goes for messing up and actually looting it, there are more than enough treasures in Pandaria to practice with.
DOES NOT work with Draenor treasures. The object despawns and the treasure is mailed to you.
it seems different treasures give different amounts of exp. I was using the /way The Jade Forest 31.96 27.76 Lucky Pandaren Coin treasure.
/way The Jade Forest 23.49 35.05 Pandaren Ritual Stone gives 38k unrested, full heirloom exp. It's the best in Jade Forest, haven't checked the other zones.
Hozen Spear in Pandaria (decrease in exp is because I leveled up):
Just turn off Auto Loot and don't loot the item
This exploit is rather simple. Works best in the early mornings when there is no competition.
Firstly, go to the spawn location of a treasure that you want to farm. If you are leveling 85-90, I recommend farming a treasure found in zones after Jade Forest, as these now grant double the experience they used to (40k base exp up from 20k exp, and 80k rested).
Click to loot the treasure, but just as the loot cast is between halfway and three quarters done, move your character. This "cancels" the cast. (EDIT: Just turn off Auto Loot and don't loot the item). You will get the experience, but the item will not be looted. Use the premade finder (Cross Realm Assist addon helps with this) to join a group on another realm. If the treasure is up there as well, do the same thing, and you will get exp again. You will not get exp for the same treasure on the same realm twice. It seems the exp gain is only locked to the realm and not the character.
Once you run out of new groups or realms, just switch to another treasure. This also goes for messing up and actually looting it, there are more than enough treasures in Pandaria to practice with.
DOES NOT work with Draenor treasures. The object despawns and the treasure is mailed to you.
it seems different treasures give different amounts of exp. I was using the /way The Jade Forest 31.96 27.76 Lucky Pandaren Coin treasure.
/way The Jade Forest 23.49 35.05 Pandaren Ritual Stone gives 38k unrested, full heirloom exp. It's the best in Jade Forest, haven't checked the other zones.
Hozen Spear in Pandaria (decrease in exp is because I leveled up):