API Endpoint Tester
300 XP
Grabs proxies, outputs to text file in OB directory.
When setting up the Job, add proxies from file, http.txt, socks4.txt, socks5.txt
Make sure OB is set to reload proxies when all are banned (this will reload with the proxies that were output by the config for an infinite loop)
Best to start with a few proxies initially can be found in proxies section on this forum the more you start with the faster it will gain them :).
Can also add proxies from file to your other jobs
Bonus: add proxyscrape urls as remote source for the config. e.g https://api.proxyscrape.com/v2/?req...meout=10000&country=all&ssl=all&anonymity=all adding this will keep it grabbing the better proxies
Proxy api - gimmeproxy
When setting up the Job, add proxies from file, http.txt, socks4.txt, socks5.txt
Make sure OB is set to reload proxies when all are banned (this will reload with the proxies that were output by the config for an infinite loop)
Best to start with a few proxies initially can be found in proxies section on this forum the more you start with the faster it will gain them :).
Can also add proxies from file to your other jobs
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Proxy api - gimmeproxy