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Increasing Your Win Rate In Soloq


Trophy Hunter
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
Well, the quickest way to even split up to get the diamond in my opinion is by using a single champion, is perfect with it ensuring its lane, greatly increasing their chances of victory, called the "monochampion". I am not in favor of this model to climb alloys for the following reasons: - Decrease your enjoyment (use a single champion for hundreds of games is quite distressing) - Decrease your knowledge about other champions will (will not always get your champion in soloQ, when you need to use another champion, will have a poor performance, plus it is always good to know the champion that you go against.) - Te becomes a toxic player (for you always use the same champion, regardless of the team's composition). Now following the way I consider the best to climb alloys. Well, first of all and the most obvious ... What champion use? - Use champions "OP", always has a number of strong champions of the patch, which champions are these? Look watch streams championships and choose at least a 2 champions for each role. But TRAIN with him before, even though he is strong, your champion will not carry you. (Unless it is a mixture of rengar releases, draven and Irelia in rs). Which lane to choose? - Learn to play at all, try to be at least MEDIANO in all, it has a tendency to play better in a given lane. And often a lane can carry better than others ... at the beginning of season 3, ADC was a role that could carry many games (at least the silver / gold), mid carries whenever he has a good tune with your jungle (both come together to gank top and mid, doubling the chances of success!). - Roles that carry more soloQ by my experience were 1. Jungle, Mid 2., 3. bots, Top 4. However, it is debatable as a stomp on top can determine the victory of the game ... although he was far from team to help her if they are losing badly. I go duo? - Yes, ONLY if you have a lot of harmony with your partner. Try to get two lanes, bot duo can be good, but in my opinion a bot duo despite being efficient may end up restricting the map domino to just bot, when in fact the advantage must be taken both as mid to top How should my in-game behavior? - Never start a game GG speaking after a double kill the enemy bot lane. Keep always confident, no matter how many obstacles have his team ahead, be aware that "throws" happen, the enemy team can have a member disconnected etc. etc. The important thing is that even if you do not believe in victory, do not pass it to your team, your teammates can still believe. - Baron: Beware if you are winning with a slight edge, do not risk baron, unless it is certain that more will get this advantage. Often ends up on throw. Already are losing by many golds, a good idea is to do everything to steal the baron, including die. What's the worst that can happen? you lose (something you already were), the best that can happen is you and your team take advantage of the baron buff including extra gold and win the turning game! Behavior in the lane: - Normally you should have a champion pool (champions of series in which you trained with them) and must choose this, the champion is more than fits with your team, and get a good performance in the lane. (Not necessarily counterar your enemy, just choose a hero that you know will make a big difference in time). - Beauty, broke choose your champion, your lane should flow as follows ... in all lanes with the jungle too, must have a certain communication (which I think the key to victory) if you can locate the enemy jungle the mini-map, know where it goes, when and how he will do something ... let your team (and remember, even if they do not hear you, you've done your part, maybe if they end up dying for not having him listened, they know they screwed up and can pass to rely more on your calls, if good can lead to victory. This shows that by a simple act of communicating your win rate can increase significantly. About the roles each in specific would have to do another tutorial, outside existing there, because each role has its importance in the game. How many games each day? Play as much as you can while you're winning, never play the third game lost at the same time. Try to make a best of 3 individual. Play 3, lose 1, continue by + 3 but lose 2 followed not play the third. After all, winning three matches and losing one is much more favorable than winning five and losing five.



