Hardcore Survivalist
300 XP
This is a detailed guide on how to hack a discord account! I hope you enjoy it! SOMEONE CAN DO THIS! NO MATTERS WHAT!
1. Visual Studio
2. Discord (Of course)
3. Little Knowledge of Social Engieenering (To make someone run the file)
Okay, let's start with the steps:
1. You will have to download this source:
2. Make discord server (Where you are going to loot tokens from people)
3. Then you will have to make a webhook
Copy that webhook (click on copy button)
4. Then open file with .sln extension (You'll have to download file at step 1.)
5. When you opened the code, you will have to edit this. (Put your webhook link there, you copied before)
6. When you edited it build file.
7. When you builded it, open your AnarchyGrabber folder and go to "AnarchyGrabber-master\AnarchyGrabber\bin\Debug"
8. Copy that AnarchyGrabber.exe, of course rename it, them give it to someone.
9. Thats it! When someone opens it this is the output in your server.
Now lets start with logging-in to that discord token, account:
1. Go to and open inspect elements (CTRL+SHIFT+i or just right click and click Inspect)
2. In console type that code:
function login(token) {
setInterval(() => {
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement `iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token = `"${token}"`
}, 50);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2500);
3. When you typed that code into console, type this into console:
4. That's it, click on "Open" in right upper corner and you are logged-in into account!
1. Visual Studio
2. Discord (Of course)
3. Little Knowledge of Social Engieenering (To make someone run the file)
Okay, let's start with the steps:
1. You will have to download this source:
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
3. Then you will have to make a webhook
Copy that webhook (click on copy button)
4. Then open file with .sln extension (You'll have to download file at step 1.)
5. When you opened the code, you will have to edit this. (Put your webhook link there, you copied before)
6. When you edited it build file.
7. When you builded it, open your AnarchyGrabber folder and go to "AnarchyGrabber-master\AnarchyGrabber\bin\Debug"
8. Copy that AnarchyGrabber.exe, of course rename it, them give it to someone.
9. Thats it! When someone opens it this is the output in your server.
Now lets start with logging-in to that discord token, account:
1. Go to and open inspect elements (CTRL+SHIFT+i or just right click and click Inspect)
2. In console type that code:
function login(token) {
setInterval(() => {
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement `iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token = `"${token}"`
}, 50);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2500);
3. When you typed that code into console, type this into console:
4. That's it, click on "Open" in right upper corner and you are logged-in into account!