AI Whisperer
1000 XP
Hey fuckers, I'm finally sharing afoolproofInstagram twist after several months of usage, and I have to admit that I'm pretty proud of how I refined it and developed it from the no-brain-required scammytrick that I found to a legitimate money machine.
This technique is extremely easy, all the tools that you are gonna need are a basic knowledge of how content locking works (even if you don’t have any, platforms like CPAbuild or OGAds are gonna give you all the templates and the landing pages that you need), your favourite SMM panel and an Instagram page with a couple hundred followers minimum (the more the better, if you feel like you don’t have enough followers you can always buy a few thousand or hundred for scrap in any smm panel) and a little bit of fantasy. The first thing we’re gonna need is a spot-on Instagram page. Why? because we’re doing a fake giveaway, that’s why.
The page is gonna be niche related, and the giveaway will feature something interesting inside that niche, and it will target some followers from other pages in that same niche.
Here’s an example to make it clear, but if you have some fantasy you can really try a thousand different combinations of niches and products.
So let’s say that i have a streetwear page, I post cool reels of skateboarding, graffiti, street culture. If i have a page like this, i could use it to make a sneaker giveaway, because it’s very related to the content of my page. Where do i get my pool of participants? I go to my smm panel ( I usually rock with but you can use any panel of your choice, as long as you’re sure that they are on time and that they deliver) and I purchase a couple thousands “user follower Instagram mentions”. What does “user followers” mean? It means that the desired number of users that you paid for to be mentioned under your post is gonna get mentioned, and the users are gonna be chosen from the page that you have selected.
So for my sneaker giveaway, I’ll go on Kimive or whatever and purchase a couple thousands of mentions, I would use Stockx followers, because they’re 100% gonna be sneakerheads and binge shoppers. And then you can sit back and relax while you watch thousands of Stockx followers get mentioned under your giveaway post or reel.
Before we get to the monetizing step of this technique, I'd like to share a couple insights on this method: people that get tagged under a giveaway are likely gonna believe that other real users tagged them. Why? Because that’s actually how you win giveaways, by tagging other users under the original posts, as well as completing some other actions. So these users are gonna find themselves under a post that they’ll likely be interested in ( remember, you chose them specifically because they follow a page that is relevant inside the niche that you are operating, and thus are interested in your content.) and what are they gonna do? Tag other users of course, hoping to be victorious and take the sneakers home. So the first two thousand mentions that you’ll buy are gonna start a butterfly effect of real mentions coming from the first fake ones that you purchased, so the number of the actual participants to your giveaway is going to skyrocket from a couple thousands initially, to a lot more. It’s exponential growth.
Why do we need as many participants as we can lure into our giveaway? Because in order to win the giveaway, they’ll have to complete a certain action, as well as tag as many other users as they can. And this is where the monetizing part comes into action.
You’re gonna need to setup a content locker with your platform of choice, I’d recommend CPAbuild because of its commodity and usability. Then, put the link in bio and write the rules of the giveaway specifying that the participants have to tag as many users and then complete the survey or whatever call to action you have in your content locker.
So what’s gonna happen? All these thousands of users that will find themselves under your post will tag some others, and then click the link in your bio and complete the required action to win the giveaway. The good news is, every time there is a completion of the said action, it’s called a conversion, and the platform is gonna pay you a certain amount for every completed conversion. The amount generally ranges from half a dollar to a couple dollars for every conversion.
Now guys, if you can do the maths, you can surely understand the money making potential that this method holds. Buying the first two thousand mentions, and buying another 500 followers to make your page a bit more credible, is gonna cost you less than ten dollars. Potentially, every one of these two thousand mentions can mention at least another four thousand, and so on. Everyone of the mentioned users can go on your link, make a conversion for you and give you an average payment of one dollar, more or less. If you only had ten conversions with the first two thousand mentions, which is an impossibly low rate ( keep in mind that the participants are niche targeted so you already know for sure that they’re gonna be attracted to your giveaway) you’re gonna have repaid every expense. Then think of all the other users that are gonna get reached by the butterfly effect and are gonna land on your giveaway and are going to make conversions. If only one of ten users in the first two thousand completed the survey it would already be a couple hundred bucks in your pocket.
Rinse and repeat, it’s easy money. The mechanism is so stupid and simple but it’s still incredibly effective.
To conclude, I’ll leave you to a step by step summarized to do list, to make things even clearer.
1.Set up niche-targeted instagram page with some credibility, as well as content locker (platforms: CPAbuild, OGAds)
2.You’ll need the page to fake the giveaway, you’ll need two thousand mentions to trigger the butterfly effect of participants and you’ll need the content locker to convert the traffic that you obtain with the giveaway into real money.
3.Find the right giveaway formula (niche + product + target), write the rules and buy the mentions selecting the followers of a page that is a big competitor inside your niche.
4.Put the content locker link in your bio and list it as one of the rules of the giveaway that participants need to complete the survey/action in the link in bio.
5.Repeat infinite times until you’re tired of making money.
Edited by joemcmango, 03 February 2022 - 01:48 PM.
This technique is extremely easy, all the tools that you are gonna need are a basic knowledge of how content locking works (even if you don’t have any, platforms like CPAbuild or OGAds are gonna give you all the templates and the landing pages that you need), your favourite SMM panel and an Instagram page with a couple hundred followers minimum (the more the better, if you feel like you don’t have enough followers you can always buy a few thousand or hundred for scrap in any smm panel) and a little bit of fantasy. The first thing we’re gonna need is a spot-on Instagram page. Why? because we’re doing a fake giveaway, that’s why.
The page is gonna be niche related, and the giveaway will feature something interesting inside that niche, and it will target some followers from other pages in that same niche.
Here’s an example to make it clear, but if you have some fantasy you can really try a thousand different combinations of niches and products.
So let’s say that i have a streetwear page, I post cool reels of skateboarding, graffiti, street culture. If i have a page like this, i could use it to make a sneaker giveaway, because it’s very related to the content of my page. Where do i get my pool of participants? I go to my smm panel ( I usually rock with but you can use any panel of your choice, as long as you’re sure that they are on time and that they deliver) and I purchase a couple thousands “user follower Instagram mentions”. What does “user followers” mean? It means that the desired number of users that you paid for to be mentioned under your post is gonna get mentioned, and the users are gonna be chosen from the page that you have selected.
So for my sneaker giveaway, I’ll go on Kimive or whatever and purchase a couple thousands of mentions, I would use Stockx followers, because they’re 100% gonna be sneakerheads and binge shoppers. And then you can sit back and relax while you watch thousands of Stockx followers get mentioned under your giveaway post or reel.
Before we get to the monetizing step of this technique, I'd like to share a couple insights on this method: people that get tagged under a giveaway are likely gonna believe that other real users tagged them. Why? Because that’s actually how you win giveaways, by tagging other users under the original posts, as well as completing some other actions. So these users are gonna find themselves under a post that they’ll likely be interested in ( remember, you chose them specifically because they follow a page that is relevant inside the niche that you are operating, and thus are interested in your content.) and what are they gonna do? Tag other users of course, hoping to be victorious and take the sneakers home. So the first two thousand mentions that you’ll buy are gonna start a butterfly effect of real mentions coming from the first fake ones that you purchased, so the number of the actual participants to your giveaway is going to skyrocket from a couple thousands initially, to a lot more. It’s exponential growth.
Why do we need as many participants as we can lure into our giveaway? Because in order to win the giveaway, they’ll have to complete a certain action, as well as tag as many other users as they can. And this is where the monetizing part comes into action.
You’re gonna need to setup a content locker with your platform of choice, I’d recommend CPAbuild because of its commodity and usability. Then, put the link in bio and write the rules of the giveaway specifying that the participants have to tag as many users and then complete the survey or whatever call to action you have in your content locker.
So what’s gonna happen? All these thousands of users that will find themselves under your post will tag some others, and then click the link in your bio and complete the required action to win the giveaway. The good news is, every time there is a completion of the said action, it’s called a conversion, and the platform is gonna pay you a certain amount for every completed conversion. The amount generally ranges from half a dollar to a couple dollars for every conversion.
Now guys, if you can do the maths, you can surely understand the money making potential that this method holds. Buying the first two thousand mentions, and buying another 500 followers to make your page a bit more credible, is gonna cost you less than ten dollars. Potentially, every one of these two thousand mentions can mention at least another four thousand, and so on. Everyone of the mentioned users can go on your link, make a conversion for you and give you an average payment of one dollar, more or less. If you only had ten conversions with the first two thousand mentions, which is an impossibly low rate ( keep in mind that the participants are niche targeted so you already know for sure that they’re gonna be attracted to your giveaway) you’re gonna have repaid every expense. Then think of all the other users that are gonna get reached by the butterfly effect and are gonna land on your giveaway and are going to make conversions. If only one of ten users in the first two thousand completed the survey it would already be a couple hundred bucks in your pocket.
Rinse and repeat, it’s easy money. The mechanism is so stupid and simple but it’s still incredibly effective.
To conclude, I’ll leave you to a step by step summarized to do list, to make things even clearer.
1.Set up niche-targeted instagram page with some credibility, as well as content locker (platforms: CPAbuild, OGAds)
2.You’ll need the page to fake the giveaway, you’ll need two thousand mentions to trigger the butterfly effect of participants and you’ll need the content locker to convert the traffic that you obtain with the giveaway into real money.
3.Find the right giveaway formula (niche + product + target), write the rules and buy the mentions selecting the followers of a page that is a big competitor inside your niche.
4.Put the content locker link in your bio and list it as one of the rules of the giveaway that participants need to complete the survey/action in the link in bio.
5.Repeat infinite times until you’re tired of making money.
Edited by joemcmango, 03 February 2022 - 01:48 PM.