Joke Crafter
400 XP
Hello, I am still here and alive Nulled will forever be my home (I am just SUPER SUPER busy many projects check my GitHub).
(DO NOT MESSAGE ME ABOUT ISSUES WITH THE CRACK OR OLD POSTS, I am working on projects if your interested in following along then follow else I will be ignoring messages that are not relevant)
More Threads will appear over the months as I slowly chip away at my projects.
This is IDA Pro 9.0.240807 (Beta)
In this leak I created a Guide that gives (3) Methods on how to Patch it, use either one doesn't matter but only one. (4) Methods if you consider Pre Made File Cracks Copy Paste etc...
Supports to patch IDA Pro 9.0 for (Mac, Linux, Windows) x86 and x64 as IDA 9.0 Now Combines the two into one so no longer you need a "x86" version of the executable.
[+] IDA Pro 9.0.240807 (Beta) 64Bit and 32Bit
[+] Mac, Linux, Windows
[+] Hex-Rays and All Decompilers (x86, x64, arm, arm64, MIPs ...)
[+] Optional Hex Vault 4 Crack (for Team Share Sessions stuff I don't know, Lumina stuff)
[+] Extras: SigMaker Plugin, IDAClang...
[+] Multiple Patch Methods (4)
Start by Un Zipping the archive and reading the "setup_readme.txt" then "crack_readme.txt"
Archive Password:
If links are cash links or scummy let me know admins or something thnx
Since your not running any .exe(s) except ones from IDA Pro Website for the Installer
No scans, only one .exe in the Patch Method, but that method is not recommended to use as its the shittiest method and also has scan links provided in the "crack_readme.txt" IF you choose to use that method of patching
Stay Safe Stay Cool, Run all in VMs and or Sandboxes
Much Love From ObbedCode
Hello, I am still here and alive Nulled will forever be my home (I am just SUPER SUPER busy many projects check my GitHub).
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
(DO NOT MESSAGE ME ABOUT ISSUES WITH THE CRACK OR OLD POSTS, I am working on projects if your interested in following along then follow else I will be ignoring messages that are not relevant)
More Threads will appear over the months as I slowly chip away at my projects.
This is IDA Pro 9.0.240807 (Beta)
In this leak I created a Guide that gives (3) Methods on how to Patch it, use either one doesn't matter but only one. (4) Methods if you consider Pre Made File Cracks Copy Paste etc...
Supports to patch IDA Pro 9.0 for (Mac, Linux, Windows) x86 and x64 as IDA 9.0 Now Combines the two into one so no longer you need a "x86" version of the executable.
[+] IDA Pro 9.0.240807 (Beta) 64Bit and 32Bit
[+] Mac, Linux, Windows
[+] Hex-Rays and All Decompilers (x86, x64, arm, arm64, MIPs ...)
[+] Optional Hex Vault 4 Crack (for Team Share Sessions stuff I don't know, Lumina stuff)
[+] Extras: SigMaker Plugin, IDAClang...
[+] Multiple Patch Methods (4)
Start by Un Zipping the archive and reading the "setup_readme.txt" then "crack_readme.txt"
Archive Password:
If links are cash links or scummy let me know admins or something thnx
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
Since your not running any .exe(s) except ones from IDA Pro Website for the Installer
No scans, only one .exe in the Patch Method, but that method is not recommended to use as its the shittiest method and also has scan links provided in the "crack_readme.txt" IF you choose to use that method of patching
Stay Safe Stay Cool, Run all in VMs and or Sandboxes
Much Love From ObbedCode