Joke Crafter
400 XP
I’m sick and tired of you kids making fun of boomers. Do you realize you probably wouldn’t exist without boomers? You’d probably be cum in a sock or swallowed by some whore at a truck stop if wasn’t for your dad, who is a boomer. Boomers are awesome they made the world it is today. Thanks to them the planet is getting warmer so we get to spend more time at the beach, they’ve made the planet a better place for us and we should be grateful. Stop hating on boomers it makes you look like the spoiled brat that you are. Boomers created spongebob and rick and morty and all the gay cartoons you love. Maybe you should watch more boomer shows and stfu you little bitch. Guess what? Joker was played by a boomer dumbass so why so serious??? Shut up millennial!! Why don’t you go jack off on Snapchat to some e thot or make a fool of yourself on tik Tok for the world to remember you as a waste of breath??! Shut up boomer?!!?! How about you attach some breast pumps to your huge man boobs and make some breast milk cheese to sell in the local farmers market because what else are you good for you young sapling!!! Saying shut up boomer isn’t funny!!! You shut up!!! Idiot