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I started Microdosing LSD (I had ADHD)


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I started Microdosing LSD a while ago, this is my report
I started approximately 2 years ago, it has been 7 months since my last dose.
I started I was doing it for fun full size doses, I read into some fringe studies about using it as a nootropics drug ( mind enhancement)
I fell down the rabbit hole of these studies and finally decided to give it a try. I'm an engineering student and when I first started I was doing horribly in school, less than a 2.5 gpa was thinking about dropping out, severe ADHD.
My first month I chose to dose 1 a week on monday,
I noticed I felt vert sharp while on the micro dose, almost like if caffeine lasted 4ish day long but with the ability to sleep, it felt just like the focalin I used to take in middle school to help me concentrate but without the depressive side effects.
Month 2 I started combining microdosing with the pomodoro study technique, my grades becan improving rapidly. I began easily burning through mathmatics, statics, and material analysis tests like they were honestly nothing, I didnt feel smarter at all I felt able to remember what I had more efficiently studied using the pomodoro technique.
I tested this theory by taking a break one week and I had a harder time on a pop quiz in calculus than I usually would.
I kept at this for a full year until I met my SO she was quite uncomfortable with it and I understood I used up what I had and stopped for her. By the time I gave it up it felt like it was always there. But in a good way it almost felt like i was able to develop a "muscle memory" in my brain for the new healthy academic habits and methods of focusing. If I want to I can now sit down and study for hours upon hours, its allowed me to control the hyper focus disorder ADHD presented me (ADHD afflicted individuals usually have a hyper focus disorder that they are unable to control ergo they can focus intensely on things that they are not allowed to choose).
I will not reccomend doing this, do your own research it's your body but long story short in about 1 year 4 months of dosing I went from almost dropping out to getting my associates with a 3.7 gpa , transfering to my Engineering school of choice receiving a full ride , doubling my salary, moving out of my parents house, and I plan to file my first patent in 1 year. It definitly helped me control of my ADHD enough so that I feel as though it doesn't effect me at all academically anymore.

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