safwan mazari
Viral Content Strategist
100 XP
I saw this video game on youtube about 5 years ago. I cannot, for the love of God, find it. I don't know if I saw the beggining of it or other story plot but what I watched was there were probably 2-3 characters with the main protagonist and they were kinda lost in the woods and it's dark. They came across a wooden house and a it looked a bit creepy. There was a stable in this house and if i remembered it correctly there was a probably a wooden fence or a barbed wire fence. So they enter the house and was offered dinner and the main protagonist's friend asked to go to the restroom and then the food was served. the people in it was a bit sus cause they looked so weird like..."the wrong turn" type weird. The video game character then tries to eat the but game stops you from eating it cause the food looks weird and so the games asks you to find your friend and you see him inside one of the stables with his leg cut off. The main protagonist then has to find a way to escape the house with the friend but ends up being chased but idk what happens next. I want to find out but I can't find the video anymore and I tried searching for it on YT but I can't find it. I also tried Google but no luck there as well. I also went beyond look for each game with cannibalism genre but no luck there too. Plus it was a long time ago. Can someone please help me? I need to know the name of this game. Thank you .