Chuckles Champion
300 XP
League of Legends has taken over my life I'm 18 and I'm in my last year of school before university Rundown of my Life ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't live in the USA but the equivalent to SAT is CAPE, where u choose 3 subjects and have a mandatory subject. I am also doing an extra subject. So that's 5 subjects and i have to write 2 exams for each subject. The first after 6 - 7 months of teaching and a another after the same amount of time. So 2 cycles of September to July, making it a 2 year course. After this you are given grades for each subject from 1 - 7 where 1 is highest and 7 is lowest. I got 3 1s and 2 2s when i wrote my first year. To get a scholarship i need about 8 1s across the 2 years, so instead of trying to get 5 1s this year I'm trying to repeat the 2 subjects i got the 2s in. Basically I'm writing 7 subjects, which is a fuckton of workload. Each subject needs a research paper done about 30 - 100 pages long based on the subject for 20-50% of the final grade depending on subject but the 2 subjects I'm repeating will take the grade i got for the research papers i wrote last year which were pretty high. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My Dilemma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have only completed 50% or so of each research paper and they were given in September, 5 months ago. WHY? : LEAGUE OF LEGENDS How Last Year Went : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Last year, the test dates were about 5 days spread out from each other and i had a lot of time to study, i ended up playing league and spending a day or 2 studying . I FUCKED UP. I would of gotten all 1s and made the top 10 lists in my country. I know i have to capacity to do it, because i fuckken studied 6 hrs for a subject with equivalent difficulty to SAT subjects and got the highest grade possible, a 1. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Research papers are due next month and I've spent 5 months fucking myself in the ass. I was worried, all i did was play league, draft dates approached and i didnt have enough work to hand up to be reviewed and corrected. Last wednesday was the draft date for 2 100% research papers and i handed up 50% of one for 2 subjects. One teacher gave me until Monday to hand up his and the other gave me till the next wednesday. NOTE: Exams are start late May and continue into early July I haven't studied for any of the repeating subjects yet which is a year's worth of work i need to recover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What League of Legends has done to My Life so far ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to school in September and Half of November. The first draft for about 15% of a research paper and 25% another was due one week. I didn't have shit. Not even a title or research question, no topic, not one shit. I told my parents that i would stay home that week to complete the paper. I procrastinated the fuck out of my life playing league as soon as i got up to about 3am every night and told myself i would complete it the weekend. I'm normally pretty busy on weekends though with a little side job for extra cash, normally takes 8am - 2pm out of my life, but i was like w/e, fuck it, i'll play LEAGUE OF LHEJOONDZE. FUCK MY LIFE. This attitude went on for the REST OF THE FUCKING YEAR until submissions of 70% - 90% of research papers were due and i had jack shit to my name. I went the first day of the second term and then avoided school. The day before 75% of a paper was due, the Dean of my class year called and said if i didn't come to school the next day they'll kick me out of the fucking school. Shit just got serious. LoL had reached the point where it was literally tearing my life apart. I rushed some shit and got 80% of the research paper done to the lowest quality possible. Fukken dirt shit quality. FML. I didn't sleep that night. It was one of those 100 page papers. About 65 pages of complete bullshit in 20 hours. No breaks, No league, No mercy, My problem, My consequences, My decisions has lead to this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Finally got BANNED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was fully aware of what was happening to me and didn't have the capacity to stop it. I was fucking addicted to LoL on a new lvl and couldn't stop. My soul slowly sucked out ever game i played. I have a full paper due. I tried using the most fucking obvious scripts possible for months and I didn't get banned, used fucking evade scripts, fast kiting, bunch of easy to get banned shit, but dumbass LoL didn't ban me. No, I got from bronze 4 to Gold 2, Yup, that was last season's results. Yesterday, Friday 3rd of Feb 2017. I finally got banned. I wasn't even emotionally affected. I just was that message,
I gave out a slight chuckle and closed the client. I fell asleep 10pm last night, earliest i have in a LONG while. I'm very happy because of this, My attachment to league is gone, maybe one day when exams are done I'll make a new account or just play on a hacked account from nulled. I already got a shitton of work today and yesterday. I'm hoping to have a better life without this thing this this this ugh this this fuckken this MOTHERFUCKING, THIS FUCKING WORM EATING AWAY AT MY SOUL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- League, and Video Games alike will always be here fellas, don't allow yourself to fall into the abyss that i had fallen into I even lost a beautiful and loyal GF due to lack of attention given and time spent with her a few months ago Don't fuck yourself over man please, if u think you have an issue with addiction / procrastination to video games, get professional help or contact me, I'll see if i can help u Don't let your life slip away into your hands
Edited by xRude, 04 February 2017 - 11:42 PM.
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