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I Asked ChatGPT To Find Me Free Money


DevOps Pipeline Architect
T Rep
T Vouches
LEVEL 2 1000 XP
And found an idea that actually worked!
So, I asked ChatGPT to find me FREE Money & I was disappointed by its reply.
Instead of suggesting ideas, ChatGpt turned to advise me about scams.
  • Become a Prompt Engineer & Offer my High Ticket Services on LinkedIn
  • Write High Quality Ebooks and Sell On Amazon KDP
  • Start Launch Jacking Affiliate Marketing
These were all high level ideas & I still have plans to make them work.
But to see if they ChatGpt could really make me money, I decided to start with Launch Jacking.
Now Launch Jacking is an Affiliate Marketing Strategy that is quite interesting to even think about.
Here’s how it works:
My job would be, to be on the lookout for new ebooks, courses, and programs with an Affiliate program in a desired Niche.
And once they launch, I’d get to work & start promoting the fresh new product.
  • What if it’s a scam?
  • What if it’s overated?
  • What if they are about to waste their hard earned money?
Just like we all do, they go over to Google and YouTube to find reviews, especially from regular people who've actually used the product.
And this is the part of the story where we come in.
The Plan
We'll use ChatGpt to write reviews that show up first on Google when people search for them.
If we do a great job at convincing buyers that they're making the right choice, we can earn money through affiliate commissions from the product owner.
But, before you get all excited, there’s a catch. To make sure our reviews rank high on Google, we need to either:
  • Start a YouTube channel
  • Or Find a way to rank on Google.
I have a YouTube channel with around 672 Subscribers but I wasn't about to bore my viewers with reviews they didn't care about.
So I had to think harder.
How was I going to get my reviews to show up on Google? I had two options:
  • Start a Blog
  • Or Find High Authority Websites to Create Articles on.
Blogging was a no-go for me.
Because while having a blog sounds exciting, there’s a hidden downside.
I once ran a blog called ProAgencySpot.com. After pouring two years of hard work into it, I was only getting about 2.8k visitors each month and making just $100.
  • Medium.com (And no! I didn’t use my Medium Page for reviews).
  • LinkedIn.com
  • Vocal.media
  • Quora.com
  • Nairaland.com
The thing about these websites is that Google really loves them. In other words, articles you post on these websites have a tendency to show up on Google & that is what we want right?
Here are some people who have tried this exact strategy & now have their review Articles sitting at the top of Google.
  • Will be leveraging high Authority Websites that Google already loves, instead of starting from scratch.
  • Won't have to worry about competing with the big websites for the first page since we’ll only be going after new and trendy products.
We’re like the early birds, and that’s a pretty neat spot to be in.
How Much I Made with this strategy?
I found 3 products that were launching & wrote review articles on LinkedIn.
The products were trendy AI Software tools. After just two weeks, I started showing up in search results, and by the third week, I made my first sale for $19.
I currently have 7 referrals who might become customers soon.

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